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The feature race wasn't exactly ideal. We would have liked both cars to finish, but Oscar got a DNF. I placed in 7th, so I got some points for the team. As we finished analyzing data, and cleaning everything up, we had a little meeting in front of the garage. "Now, this was the first race of the season, and I would say it went nice." Rene said. "y/n and Oscar did amazing. Rookie race and she finishes 4th. That's talent. So, to whoever brings you down, tell them to fuck off." He said, making us all laugh. After sharing some more jokes, and kind words, we all left. I was walking with Oscar. "Are you staying for the F1 race, too?" He asked as we walked to the car. "Yeah, I got some people to see. Are you?" I asked, which he nodded. "Well, I'll see ya later than." I smiled, waving as we went our separates.

After getting to the hotel, I made my way to the stairs, sighing before walking up. I went to my room, changing into some different clothes, and headed down to the lobby. As I walked down, I saw Oscar waiting, so I walked up to him. "You waiting for someone?" I asked, giving him a small smile. "Yea. I was waiting for you, so I could take you." He said, giving me a goofy smile back. "Aw, how kind of you." I giggled, walking with him to his car. As we got in, he played some music, and we sung our hearts out while going to the track. As we entered the parking lot, we were all smiles and giggles. We walked to the garages, separating as he went to Alpine, while I went to McLaren. "If you want to go back, just call me and I'll take you." He smiled as he hugged me. "Thank you. I'll let you know if I go anywhere." I said, waving as we walked different ways.

As I entered the McLaren garage, I looked around, seeing all different, and new decorations and stuff. I saw the walls, running my fingers over them. I remembered the times I spent with Daniel with Jules, and the time with Lando and Charles when we were younger. I knew many of the drivers, and grew up with them before everything happened. It has been 5 years since I last saw Daniel. I smiled as I walked in, seeing the engineers, and mechanics running around. I saw Daniel by the counter, dancing with his headphones. Old habits die hard, I guess. I went over, hugging him from behind. He stopped moving, trying to see who was hugging him. He finally turned, gasping when he saw me. "y/n!" He screamed, tackling me in a hug. I hit the floor, laughing in pain as he was squeezing me tightly. "Hi, Danny." I giggled, kissing his cheek. "It has been 5 years. Do you know how worried I was?" He said in a much more calmer voice. "I know, and I'm sorry." I said, hugging him tightly.

Once we got up and were talking, I remembered I needed to see someone else before the race. "Danny, I have to go, but I loved seeing you again." I smiled, giving him a hug. "I loved seeing you to. I'm a call away if you need me." He smiled back, kissing my head. I patted his chest, turning around and running off. I ran out of the McLaren garage, going to the Red Bull garage. I ran in, stopping to take a breath. I rounded the corner, but ran into someone. I grabbed the wall, and gasped as I saw who it was. "Checo?!" "y/n?!" We said at the same time. I laughed, hugging him tightly. "Where have you been? It's been so long." He said, laughing in my hair. "I left for a little, but I'm back now." I smiled brightly. "Still a little kid." He laughed, patting my shoulder as he walked away. I walked more into the garage, seeing my target.

I smirked as I ran up, lunging onto him. "What the hell?" He said, grabbing my hands that were on his eyes. "Guess who?" I said, smiling brightly. "I don't know. Why are you on my back?" He said, making me laugh. "I want some pineapple." I said, making him go quiet. He shrugged me off, turning around with speed. "What the hell?" He said, hovering his hands by my cheeks. "How? Where? Why?" He mumbled, making me giggle. "Hi to you too, Maxie." I smiled, opening my arms. He smiled fondly, quickly bringing me in a hug. It was a tight, but gentle hug. "Do you know how much I have missed you?" He said, making me sigh. "I'm back now." I smiled, pulling away. He nodded, ruffling my hair as he was called to start getting ready. I wished him good luck before walking out, heading to the Alpine garage.

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