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Saturday rolled around, and I was walking through the gates as a swarm of people surrounded me. "How does it feel to be the only female in the sport?", "That spin yesterday was driver fault. Will we be seeing more of them throughout the season?", "Shouldn't you be in the W series?". I heard them all, and pushed my way through the cameras. This was the only thing I was worried about, and hated. I went into the garage, not bothering to greet anyone as I was pissed. I went to my driver's room, slamming the door shut. I threw my stuff on the floor, and sat down on the couch. I rested my head in my hands, my elbows on my legs. I took deep breaths, but their words were stuck in my mind, making me more pissed. I kept breathing, too focused to see my door opened. Hands grabbed my hands, and that made me look up. 

Oscar smiled as he held my hands, sending me a smile. "You don't have to listen to them. They don't see how talented you really are. You deserve to be here, so don't listen. You earned your way here, which is why Prema took you in. Because they saw a bright talent, and wanted to help you reach farther." He smiled, making me speechless. My breathing slowed, and I looked away. "I'm just so tired of all the stupid comments I get for being the only girl in Formula 2. It becomes too much somedays." I said, making him nod. "I understand." He tried saying, but I scoffed. "How would you know what it feels like? You're welcomed in the sport. I'm just criticized for every little thing I do. Don't say you understand when you don't." I ranted, grabbing my gear and walking out. I put my helmet on, along with the HANS device. I climbed in the car, getting my gloves on. I moved around a little, adjusting myself to get comfortable. 

As they buckled me in, I looked over to see Oscar standing in front of the garage. I looked down, not wanting to face him. "Radio check?" I said, getting a response. "Remember, don't push too hard on the first couple of laps. You have nothing to prove, so don't worry. Just drive smoothly, and if you can pass, go for it." Paul said. "Thanks." I said, getting pushed out. We were on the grid, I was 11th on the grid, while Oscar was in 7th. I sighed as we started the formation lap. As we rounded the last corner, I got some last second tire heating in before taking my place. I took deep breaths and counted to 5. I was completely focused, staring at the lights. 1...2...3...4...5. I had a great start, and passed some cars on the first corner. I had a few bumps, and touches, but nothing too big. I kept my head down and kept racing. It was nearing the end of the first race and I was in 4th. I crossed the line, hearing shouting in my ear. "P4! That's P4!" Paul yelled, making me squeal. "Yes! Let's go, baby!" I screamed, waving my fist in the air. "Great race, y/n! P4 on your rookie debut." Rene said, making me chuckle. 

After coming in, I got out of the car, and some drivers came up to me, congratulating me. I thanked them all, but we had to get ready for the next sprint race. I didn't want to feel to confident, but I was still happy with my first race. As we lined up on the grid again, it was the same feeling in my stomach again. As we took off for the formation lap, it went away like it always does. As I lined up in P4, I took my deep breaths again, counting to 5. I watched the lights turn off, and got a good start again. But as I went into turn 1, Ticktum spun out, hitting me in the process. My wing came off, puncturing the right front tire. I yelled as I had to retire the car. "Are you okay, y/n?" I heard in my ears. "I'm fine." I said, throwing the steering wheel out. I threw the belts off, standing up. I got the okay to get out of the car, so I did. I was offered a ride to the pitlane, so I took it. Camera's were surrounding me, and reporters saying stupid shit again. I closed my visor, and screamed out in frustration. My rookie race and I couldn't even finish a lap. I went into the garage, leaving my helmet on and going to my room.

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