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After a long day at the beach, we were all chilling in Liam's room again. I was on the bed, sprawled out on Oscar and Marcus. Oscar was messing with my hair, which was actually really nice. "I'm going to beat you." "You can't even win a race." I heard, making me laugh. "That was low, Liam." I laughed, shaking my head. "All I know is y/n will most likely beat all of us." Oscar chirped in, making me smirk. "Of course." I said, flipping my imaginary hair. They all laughed, going back to playing. I was just staring at the ceiling, noticing Oscar looking down at me. "What ya staring at, Piastri?" I asked, smiling softly. "Beauty." He said dramatically, making me giggle. "You're so dumb." I said, turning back to the ceiling. I don't know when, but I started to feel very tired. It must have been from chasing these dumb-dumbs around all day. My eyes slowly started to close, and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

I jolted awake, breathing heavily. I looked around, seeing everyone asleep. The clock shone in bright red, 2:40am. Oscar and Marcus were still next to me, and holding onto me. I looked over to the side, seeing Juri on his phone. "Why are you up?" I asked, untangling myself from the boys. I carefully maneuvered around the boys on the floor, laying down next to him. "Why are you up?" He retaliated, making me shake my head. "I asked first." I said, looking over at him. "Well, I just couldn't sleep. Now you?" He said, turning with me. "Well, I was asleep, but woke up." I said, ruffling his hair. "Well, there ya go. We both can't sleep, though we probably should." He said, glancing at the clock. I nodded, running my hand through his hair one last time before getting up again. I went to the bathroom, washing my face. I went back to the bed after a good 15 minutes doing my skin routine to see Oscar up. 

He stared at me, then looked at the clock. "Why are you awake?" He mumbled, making some space and patting the bed. "Well, I just woke up. Sorry." I said, getting back under the covers. As I did, both boys wrapped their arms around me, making me chuckle. "Night." He mumbled, getting the same in return. I stared at the ceiling, not going back to sleep instantly. I was playing with Oscar's hair, hoping he would fall asleep sooner. I noticed that some of the boys were not here, concluding it to be they went back to their rooms. I felt Marcus' arms tighten, making me sigh. I started counting sheep, hoping for it to help me go back to sleep. I normally would have Arthur talking to me, or holding my hand. I got a thought, so I grabbed onto both of the boy's hands. I closed my eyes, and started humming. I made sure to hum quietly, not really trying to wake everyone up. Luck seemed to be on my side as I finally fell asleep sometime.

In the Morning~

It was now around 10am, and we were all downstairs eating breakfast. "So, where should we go next?" Liam asked everyone. However, they all turned to me, making me sigh. "Just cause I live here doesn't mean I know the place. But there is an aquarium." I said, putting some pancakes in my mouth. The boys started talking about it, but I zoned out as I was staring out the window. "y/n. y/n." I heard, making me shake my head. "Huh? Sorry." I said, looking around. Everyone was standing up, waiting by the chairs. "Oh, sorry." I mumbled, getting up quickly and walking out. We payed for the breakfast before stopping outside the restaurant. "To the aquarium." Marcus exclaimed, pointing his finger forward. I stifled a laugh, going up towards him. I took his hand, pointing it to his right. "Oh." He said, giving me a goofy smile. "Now try again." I said, going back to my place. "To the aquarium!" He exclaimed again, making everyone laugh.

As we were walking to the aquarium, I was walking with Oscar and Marcus, the others goofing off in front of us. "You okay, y/n?" Oscar asked, holding my shoulder. "You're very distracted, and you did wake up in the middle of the night." Marcus added, making me sigh. "I'm fine. Don't worry." I said, my face not really matching what I was saying. The boys were both looking at me, but I just stared ahead. As we reached the aquarium, the boys wanted to run off, but I stopped them. "Alright. I got you all an all-access pass. We will meet back here in two hours time." I said, handing them their passes. "Disperse." I giggled, watching them all run off. Oscar and Marcus stayed with me though, making me laugh. "You guys were supposed to run off, too." I giggled, but squealed as they wrapped their arms around mine and we skipped off.

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