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I woke up slowly, my eyes adjusting to the light. I felt arms tighten around me, waking me up fully. I sat up, turning to the person. Oscar was laying there, holding onto me. "Why are you moving so much?" He groaned, rubbing his eyes. I looked at the clock, seeing he had to be at the track in 15 minutes. "Oscar! Practice starts in 15 minutes." I said, making him shoot up. "Shit. I didn't think I slept in that long." He groaned, jumping out of bed. "Go take a shower. I'm going with you." I said, which made him stop. "But-" He was about to protest, but I shook my head. "You're not stopping me. Now hurry up." I said, getting out of bed. I assumed the other boys left last night, Oscar probably offering to stay to watch over me. I'd be lying if I said feelings weren't growing for the boys. The last thing I needed was a love triangle though.

After getting dressed, I had my backpack on, waiting downstairs for Oscar. He came down, putting his phone and wallet in his back pockets. "Right. Let's go." He said, holding the car door for me. I got in, giving him a soft smile. The drive to the track was short as it wasn't very far from the house. We parked, Oscar rushing to open my door. "I still have a hand, Osc." I said, getting out. "Well, it's still being a gentleman." He said, bowing slightly. I laughed, walking to the entrance. I saw the press coming over, and stopped walking. "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here." He said, holding my hand. I held onto his hand with a death grip, both of us continuing to the garages. The cameras surrounded us, and I just looked down. We finally made it to the Prema garage, and he smiled. "I'm only going to be doing a few sessions, so don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything, y/n." He said, patting my hand before walking in with me. 

Walking into the Prema garage, everyone stopped working when they saw me. Paul walked up to me, holding my shoulders. "What are you doing here, young lady?" He asked like a parent scolding their kid for being somewhere they shouldn't. I sighed, stomping my foot. "I'm not missing my race. Even if I am not racing, I will not miss this race." I said stubbornly, making him sigh. "The moment you aren't feeling well, you're out of here." He said, squinting his eyes at me. I grumbled under my breath, but nodded. "Great. Have fun." He said, patting my shoulder before walking off. I went with Oscar, walking under his arm so it was over my shoulder. "Bello." I smiled, patting his back. "Hello again, love. What's up?" He asked, giving me that smile of his. "Nothing." I smiled, rubbing his back. "Mhm. I'm watching you." He squinted, looking over my figure. "I'm fine. Get back to your data, Piastri." I chuckled. "Okay, if you say so, l/n. " He jokingly said, going back to his data.

~ ~ ~

I sat in the back of the garage as practice was starting. I sat there, watching the cars of my friends. The reserve driver was also doing good. As practice came to an end, the reserve finished 5th overall. Liam in 3rd, with Marcus in 4th. Juri was in 7th, Oscar 10th, and Zhou in 12. I got up as my legs were starting to cramp from sitting so long. I risked it and went out of the garage, walking down the paddock. The cameras seemingly avoided coming up to me, but still hovered around. I was on high alert, but not high enough as a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned around, twisting the arm with me. I gasped as Liam was crouched over, holding his arm, and the floor. "What the hell?" I said, letting him go. "Ow." He said, rubbing his arm. "I am so sorry." I said, my hand hovering over his arm. "It's fine, but damn you got a grip." He teased, making me whine. We walked down the paddock, going into the Hitech building.

As F2 qualifying wrapped up, I finally was able to go home. I could have gone home earlier, but I forced myself to stay. Zhou was 1st, Oscar in 7th, with Liam in close 8th. The reserve was in 11th, with Marcus 13th. Juri would've been in 5th, but something happened. I yawned as I was tired again. The Monaco heat also wasn't nice as it was giving me a headache. I decided to walk to the house, and got there within 10 minutes. The house was quiet, and a note was on the counter. I grabbed it, putting my coat on the rack. 'Hey y/n. You left your phone here, so I left a note. I left to Barcelona for testing. I should be back within a week's time. Try not to throw too many parties. x A.' I read, groaning after. Left alone again. I sighed as I went to go take a quick shower, then go doze off for the day.

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