Destiny punched in a few numbers on her little number pad and pulled up some random graph on the big screen. Cupid stared at it blankly as Destiny snapped her fingers, her outfit changing into a black pantsuit that Cupid has seen lawyers wear down on Earth before. Destiny got a random pointer stick and glasses also appeared on the bridge of her nose. She glanced over at Cupid,

"Let's go over the statistics of our lovely Roseanne and y/n still possibly being soulmates, shall we?"

"Be my guest." Destiny smirked and then started her speech about the two young women.

"So at birth the two girls were obviously soulmates, so they would've matched at a nice 100%. That number didn't falter one but throughout their lives for a while. But when Lily got into the picture here," Destiny pointed to the first dip in the graph, "that nice 100% actually dropped down to 87%; not pretty. Then Roseanne went to Korea and the two girls didn't think of each other as often. That's clearly shown in the graph when the number drops again from 87% to 66%."

Cupid started to get anxious because seeing those percentages continuing to drop was not doing good things to his heart. His grip on the arms of his chair tightened as Destiny went on,

"And that leads us to now: post Lily-y/n breakup. The 'continuation of time' if you will. Since Lily absolutely obliterated y/n's heart, y/n doesn't believe in love nor soulmates. She thinks that any romantic love thrown her way is fake and stupid. That sadly leaves me to the last percentage of the graph," Destiny sighed and frowned as Cupid saw the lowest point marked on the graph, "their percentage of being soulmates now is a measly 28%."

"But I struck them with my arrows, so they'll always be soulmates. How are these percentages dropping?" Cupid asked as Destiny thought for a few moments before speaking,

"I think they are also destined to be soulmates, that won't ever change. But I think the percentage that's decreasing isn't just them being soulmates, it's them being romantic soulmates."

"That–that can change?" Cupid asked, flabbergasted because that's never happened before. Well, none of this has ever happened before, so he really shouldn't be surprised with this possibility. Destiny nodded her head,

"I think so. This is the chance that y/n will end up mutually loving Roseanne the same way she does: romantically. As of right now, they will most likely only go as far as friends again. Well, it'll be a one sided love. Roseanne will love y/n, but y/n will not love Roseanne."

Chaeyoung walked through the hallways of YG Entertainment alone for the time being with bags full of takeout. She was making her way back to the dorm for the girls because the final lineup for the newly named 'Blackpink' will be announced tomorrow. All their nerves were all over the place, so Chaeyoung said she was going to practice, but she secretly went to get their favorite takeout food.

She poked her head around a corner to make sure no staff member was walking around and then she quickly, but quietly, made her way to the elevator and pressed the button. The doors soon opened and she stepped in, sighing in relief that no one was inside. Chaeyoung pressed the floor with the dorms and then waited impatiently for the elevator to arrive.

Soon enough Chaeyoung was struggling to open the door to their dorm. But she was able to open it after a little trial and error. She stepped inside and took her shoes off before heading to the kitchen which was surprisingly empty. Usually someone was looking through the cabinets or fridge at all times of the day. But apparently it was Chaeyoung's lucky day. Hopefully that luck will continue into tomorrow.

Chaeyoung peacefully set up their food on the counter for them to all get and then she walked to where the two bedrooms were. She decided to go into her and Lisa's room first, wanting to get Lisa to help wake up the most likely sleeping Jisoo.

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