Meanwhile jennie put down Elayne on her cunt and get out from their room to call yennis and look after Elayne..She don't want Ningning to get closed to their child because Elayne might mistook Ningning as her since they have a resemblance..Jennie is now believe it when she stared at Ningning physical appearance...

So jennie make sure that Lis will not going to get drank or she is always with her husband anytime he is drinking with his friends and always told Ningning to go to her room and Let yennis do the work if Lis and his friends are drinking on their Mansion..

Jennie left yennis on their Room and go downstairs into the kitchen to cook Lis breakfast..Jennie always do it when She recovered from giving birth to Elayne...
Jennie wear her aphron and start preparing Lis breakfast..

Meanwhile,Lis is done taking rounds on the park..He is now ready to go home..He just stop on the corner and Drink his bottle of water...a group of woman also jogging around also stopped near Lis and take a rest..

Lis is tapping his phone and didn't noticed that the Girls started to talking about him..And the other girl capture his photo..

Suddenly one of the foreign Girl suddenly approach Lis holding a bottle of water..

"Hi excuse me! May I have a moment of your time please??" The woman said in English..

"Hello..Yeah sure!" Lis replied in English also..

"Oh great..You know how to speak English! I'm glad..Ummm you see,Me and My friends can't open this bottled water..Can you pleased open it for me??" The woman asked..

"Oh sure!" Lis replied then take the bottled water and open it then gave it back to the woman..

The woman smiled and take it then drink,Lis watch the woman drink..The woman purposely let the water drip on her top..Lis can sense danger from the woman so he make his phone ring..

"Oh! Excuse me..My wife is calling me..I have to take the call!" Lis said then pause the ringtone and bring his phone into his ear and act like he's talking with Jennie..

The woman Stopped drinking her water in dismay upon hearing that her prospect already have a wife..

"Yes babe! I'm going back home now! I love you too.." Lis said then end the call..he excuse his self to the woman and Leave..

The woman back to her friends and they teased her for failing the mission and the woman just shrugged her shoulders..

Lis jogged back to the Mansion,When he entered the gate,he go straight in..inside the Mansion and smell the aroma of the food.. He's sure that Jennie is the one cooking it because he can smell his favorite food...

Lis jogged on the kitchen and found Jennie cooking..He immediately approach jennie and back hugged her..Jennie smiled..

"Hey babe! I'm back!" Lis said then kissed Jennie's cheek..

"Welcome back babe! I'm glad you pick the right woman to hugged this time!" Jennie replied..

Lis chuckled..
"I'll make sure it's you! Since I don't want to sleep on the sofa again just because I mistook Ningning as you once!"

"Hmpf..Glad that you learned your lessons.." Jennie snorted..

"Mhm..I don't want my Wife to get jealous and upset..I recalled that you suddenly wanted to fire Ningning that day!"Lis said then laughed..

"When you hired her..Did you already saw that we have a resemblance to each other?" Jennie asked..

"No babe! What I've been thinking that time is to hired Housemaids for us..I didn't notice that Ningning really like you in some way!" Lis replied..

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