Chapter 25- Bath Time

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Bucky pov

After we'd gone upstairs I let Haley play with her toys, while I cooked dinner. I needed to start cooking more than waffles and mac n cheese. I started making spaghetti when Haley came in.

"Daddy I have to potty." She said, "but I want to try alone." She told me.

"O- okay." I said hesitantly. She ran over towards the bathroom. She went in, and just when I was gonna check on her she came out smiling.

"I did it!" She said. I smiled. After turning off the burner I went to check the bathroom, it looked clean as could be. She was getting better and older. I didn't want her to get older, she was so small. I couldn't imagine her as an older child.

Time skip- Friday 11:30 am**********

Bucky pov

  I was just leaving the tower to go pick up Haley. I was told to pick her up at 12:00 pm everyday. I got there quickly and went in to get her. Every time she saw me she'd run down the hallway towards me. Her teacher, Ms. Johnson, was standing at the door, which was at the end of the hallway, with Haley. But just like everyday, Haley saw me and ran towards me.

"Daddy!" She said running towards me, I caught her and picked her up. I waved down the hall to Ms. Johnson and we headed out the door. She was always so excited to see me when I picked her up, but cried when she had to leave me every morning this week. We got to the tower and went inside, we started going up the stairs so I took Haley's hand. She had a fear of the elevator so we only used the stairs.

"Go play with your toys." I told her grabbing the laptop Steve gave me, and showed me how to use, off the counter. I got on and started searching online for jobs again. She ran off to her room to go play. I'd just found a good job offering when Haley ran in.

"Daddy, I'm sorry." She said, tears in her eyes.

"Sorry for what?" I asked worried.

"I-I-I-" she started, but she couldn't talk be açaís even she was crying so hard.

"Hey, come here." I said holding my arms out. "Tell me what's wrong." I said wiping tears off her face with my sleeve.

"I didn't mean to." She finally got out.

"You didn't mean to what?"

"I was playing and I accidentally went to the bathroom in my pants." She said more tears streaming down her face.

"Hey that's okay, it was an accident." I told her, "We can clean you up and you can go play more. Okay?"

"Okay Daddy." She said trying to stop her tears. I went to her room to grab some new clothes and picked up Haley, who was straggling behind me, on my way to the bathroom. I started a bath and put her in. After she was done I put on her new clothes and sent her off to play more. I needed to start dinner, so I started making quesadillas.

"Haley, come eat." I called. She came in and sat at the table.


"Yes." I said looking up.

"Why don't I have a mommy?" She asked, "All the other kids do." Her question, which may have seemed harmless too her, made me look away. I didn't know how to answer. I knew she'd ask one day, but I wasn't ready.

  "You're mom, she uhh-"I struggled to get the words out, when Steve walked in.

  "Haley!" He called, walking up behind her.

  "Uncle Steve!" She yelled, turning around and jumping out of her chair. She hugged him as he picked her up. I couldn't decide whether I was glad he came or upset.

  "Hey Steve." I said and began to pick up the plates from dinner. Haley ate half of it, which was a lot for her.

  "Hey Buck." He replied before getting dragged to Haley's room. After I finished cleaning I went to find Haley and Steve. I walked into her room and saw Haley and Steve playing on the floor.

  "Haley, doll it's time for bed." I said, walking into her room. Steve got up, and told Haley bye.

  "Bye Buck." He said walking out the door.

  "Bye Steve." I said. I turned back around and saw Haley on the floor playing again.

  "Haley come on." I said.

  "No, I wanna keep playing."



  I decided to run a bath and give her a few more minutes of playtime while I got everything ready.  I grabbed a set of clothes and headed to the bathroom. It only took five minutes for me to get everything ready.

  "Haley, time for your bath." I said coming into her room and walking over to her.

  "But I don't want a bath." She said looking up at me.

  "Come on. You have to."


  "Please." I said, her face didn't change. "I'll get you ice cream tomorrow." I bribed

  "Okay!" She said standing up. I grabbed her hand and guided her to the bathroom. I set her on the counter and started to undo her braid. I set her in the tub and washed her hair. Then after I washed her body I set her on the toilet seat lid to dry her off. Then I got her dressed in some pjs.

  After that I blow dried her hair and helped her brush her teeth

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After that I blow dried her hair and helped her brush her teeth. I picked her up and she hugged me as I carried her to her room. I set her down in bed then sat on the edge of it.

"I love you Daddy." She said smiling.

"I love you too doll." I said. "Now it's time to go to sleep."

"Good night." She said closing her eyes. I lent over and kissed her fore head.

"Good night doll." I got up and turned out her light. I quietly closed her door and headed towards my room. I laid down, but couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Haley. She usually always listened. I never had to bribe her. I eventually fell asleep, only to be awoken by a scream.

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