Chapter 04- Bath Time

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Bucky pov

When we pulled into the apartment parking lot, I looked in the rear view to see a sleeping angel, my sleeping angel. I carried her in and laid her on my bed. I went outside to get everything out of the car. I put everything away in her room, and turned around to a yawning toddler.

"Hey doll, what are you doing awake?" I asked her.

She just walked over to me and held up her arms. So I picked her up and rocked her back to sleep. When she went back to sleep, I laid her on her new bed and put her blanket over her. I kissed her head and walked out, quietly shutting her door. I went to my bed and laid down, quickly falling asleep.

Time skip- Next morning **********

I woke up when I heard crying. I rushed to Haley's room to find her sitting on her bed crying.

"Daddy!" She cried

My heart skipped a beat when she said it. I rushed over to her. I was upset she was crying, so I began to hug her.

"You're okay doll, you're okay. Shhhh. It's okay." I reassured her.

When she stopped crying I tried to pull away, but she clung to me not letting go. I sighed.

"What's wrong doll?" I asked. She didn't answer just held onto my shirt tightly.

Eventually she started to loosen her grip on my shirt. I took my chance and stood up. I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"Yes Daddy" When she replied I almost died, her little voice was too cute.

"What do you want, sweetheart"

"Ummm, Waffles!" She screamed excitedly.

I chuckled, "Okay pumpkin"

Haley pov

I had a bad dream about the bad men again, but daddy came and helped me. Then daddy made waffles. Daddy makes good waffles.

"Hey Buck" uncle Steve called

"Hellwo uncle Stweve!" I screamed

"Haley no talking with food in your mouth" daddy said.

"Sorry daddy" I said dipping my head down

"It's okay doll, just don't do it again"he said
"How bout you go and play with your toys?"

"Otay daddy" I said and walked to my toys.

Bucky pov

I was very proud of Haley, she had been talking all morning. I felt kinda bad about getting onto her for talking and eating,but I have to teach her.

"Since when does she talk!" Steve yelled at me.

"Since this morning." I smiled.

"And you didn't text or call me?"

"Well she crying, I was focused on making her feel better instead of texting her dramatic uncle." I said back.

"Wait, she was crying? Why?" He asked

"I don't know, she wouldn't say anything" I replied.

I walked in the living room. Haley was on the floor playing.

"Okay doll, bath time!" I told her

"No daddy" she said running away.

Me and Steve ran after her.

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