Chapter 02- Who is She?

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Anne's pov

I started the car, looking in the rear view at the small girl. I began to drive to the doctors office, hoping to find more information. When we arrived I carried her in. I checked her in at the front desk and went to sit in the waiting area.

"Mrs. Taylor" a nurse called. I picked up the girl and walked towards the door.

They took her height and weight. She looked scared, but I didn't know why.

"For her age, she is way under weight. Do you know any medical history, so we could find out why."

"No I just brought her to the orphanage yesterday, she hasn't said anything, but her roommates say she was crying all night."

"Okay," the nurse said scribbling on her notepad.

"Come sit in here and we'll get a doctor to see you." The nurse said leading us to a room.

"Thank you." I replied

The doctor came in shortly after the nurse had left.

"Anne! I haven't seen you in forever." She exclaimed.

"Hi Sarah." I said, smiling. "I was thinking a check up and a blood sample to see if there are parents I can contact."

Sarah came back with a syringe and some vials. When the girl saw the syringe she scooted back, as if she feared it.

After three hours of trying, we finally got just enough blood to test. One thing was clear she was afraid of needles.

Sarah came back ten minutes later. ( blood samples don't take long because of Stark tech)

"Anne you won't believe this, I found her parents!"

"Really? Wait first of all who is she?"

"Haley Barnes, her father is James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes."

"The winter soldier?" I asked in surprise.

" Yea." She said. "Just a few more things and you can go" she said completing everything.

"Okay, well thank you. Bye."


Time skip**********

It was dinner time and I still couldn't get Haley to eat her lunch. So I gave up, knowing she would have to eat sometime. I let her go up stairs with Liam.

Bucky pov

I picked up my phone to see who was calling, and while it was ringing I accidentally answered it.

"Hello?" A woman's voice asked. I wondered who it could be

"Hello." I replied

"Is this James Barnes?" She asked with a hint of hope in her voice.

"Yes. Why?" I asked.

"I'm calling about Haley Barnes, your daughter."

I froze. When I came back from being the Winter Soldier, I had a letter from 1945. It was from a girl I used to love, Emma Dane. The letter told me she was pregnant, with my child, and she hoped I would return soon so she wouldn't be alone. I never got the letter so I didn't know until a few weeks ago. I thought Haley would be maybe in her 80s, the past few weeks I'd been searching for her. Just yesterday I found a S.H.E.I.L.D file saying she was taken by HYDRA.

"Y-y-yes." I said my voice cracking.

"She is at an orphanage with me, you can take her if and when you get approved. You can come meet her tomorrow if you'd like." She said excitedly.

"Yes, I'd love too." I told her.

"Okay I'll send you the address. See you tomorrow." She said as she hung up.

I couldn't believe it my daughter, I found her. I couldn't sleep knowing I'd wake up soon to go meet my daughter.

Time skip**********

  The clock read 2:00 am. I'd been thinking for hours. Steve was on his way since he was the only one I told about Haley and Emma.

  "Bucky?" Steve called as he walked into my apartment.

  "Hey Steve" I called back.

Steve pov

  "Bucky?" I called out as I came in the apartment.

  "Hey Steve" Bucky called back.

  I instantly ran to the living area. Bucky sounded worried.

  "Hey Buck, what's wrong." I asked

  "Nothing" he said quickly.

  "Come on Buck, you can trust me." I said after some thought

  "I found her."



  "Where is she?"

  "An orphanage, I'm meeting her tomorrow."

  "T-that's great Buck. But you don't sound happy."

  "Steve I-I just got my life back together, now I have a child. I have no idea about how to care for children. And what if I scare her. And-"

  " Bucky, you'll do fine besides I'm here to help."

  "Thanks Steve"

  "Anytime, now go to bed before you go crazy. I've gotta get back to Tony, he was pretty mad when I left."

  "Bye Steve"

  "Bye Bucky"

  I was worried about Buck. I visited him once a week. He insisted on living alone. We offered for him to live in the stark tower, but he refused. I didn't like that he was alone, but now that he found Haley he wouldn't be alone.

Bucky pov

  I woke up screaming from a nightmare. This happened every night. It was one reason I never slept. I was worried I would freak Haley out because my nightmares. I decided to get up since I was never going back to sleep. After I got ready I headed out on my motorcycle towards the orphanage.

Liam pov

  Haley woke up screaming this morning. It scared everyone, and it was so loud Anne woke up and ran in the room. She was calmed down now, and she was finally eating. She ate about a fourth of her pancake and tried to leave when Anne put her back in the chair. She refused to eat. She wouldn't talk but she shook her head. Eventually she just threw the plate on the ground and took off running. When someone began to knock on the door.

  "I'll get it." Anne said walking towards the door.

  "Hello" I heard a man's voice "I'm James, James Barnes."

  "Come in, actually Haley just went upstairs. Liam go grab Haley will you." She called into the kitchen.

I ran up the stairs to go find Haley.

A/N: It's pronounced Hay•lee.

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