Chapter 18- Little Miss Trouble

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Bucky Pov

  I woke up and all I heard was silence. That didn't seem right. I looked over at the clock on my nightstand, 8:29 am. Haley should be up by now. I got out of bed and started looking for her. I went straight to her room.

  I didn't see her but I saw all kinds of drawings on the walls of her bedroom. I'll admit I was kinda mad. Haley knew she was only supposed to draw on paper.

  "Haley, where are you?" I asked, but got no answer in reply. I looked in the living room, then my bedroom and after that the bathroom. There was only one place left, the kitchen.

  "Haley?" I called as I walked into the kitchen. Then I heard a noise from one of the cabinets. I got down on my knees and opened the cabinet door. The open door revealed a small girl huddled into the back of a cabinet.

"Haley come here doll." I said reaching my arms into the cabinet. She jumped into them with a bit of hesitation. I carried her to her room and set her down.

"Haley what is this?" I asked pointing to the walls.

She looked down and weakly said, "I'm really sorry Daddy." She looked up again and I saw some tears in her eyes.

"Haley why would you do this? You know we only draw on paper." I said.

"I was out of paper. I'm really sorry Daddy." She said the tears spilling from her eyes.

"It's okay princess just promise to not do it again." I said. I was mad, but seeing her cry made my anger melt away. I picked her up and hugged her. Her tears stopped quickly after that.

Time Skip*****a few hours*****

  Haley was playing with her dolls while I sat and watched her. I zoned out a bit, but still payed attention to Haley.

  I just kept thinking about how to potty train her and how to do it quick. She started school in a few months and she was still in diapers.

  "Hey Haley, come here Daddy needs to talk to you."

  "Yes Daddy?" She said in an adorable voice running over to me. All anger I felt earlier had vanished.

  "Do you want to learn to use the big girl toilet?" I asked. It sounded funny but I had to get her interested in it first.

  "No." She said as she turned back to her toys. I sighed this was going to be harder than I thought. After letting her play a little longer I decided to get her to bed.

  "Haley time for bed doll." I told her getting up from her rocking chair.

  "Nooo, I wanna pway mooore." She pouted. What was going on? Today she was acting really rebellious.

  "Haley I said it was bed time let's go brush your teeth." I said.

  "No." She said plopping down on her bottom.

  "Haley come on it's time for bed." I said yawning.

  "No." She said again, crossing her arms. I walked over to her and put my hands under her armpits and lifted her up, trying to get her to stand. She wouldn't stand she just kept collapsing back onto the ground. I had given up, I was tired and she also needed sleep. I picked her up and threw her on my shoulder. I was holding her legs as her upper body hung behind me, her waist laying on my shoulder. I carried her to the bathroom and set her on the counter. I put toothpaste on her toothbrush and handed it to her. She took it and I thought she was going to listen to me, but then she threw it on the floor and across the room.

  "Haley Nicole Barnes! You better start listening to me." I said. That was the first time I had used her full name to get her in trouble. She looked a little scared, but was still upset about having to go to bed. I grabbed her a spare toothbrush and handed it to her.

  "You better not throw it." I said. She stuck it in her mouth and started brushing her teeth. When she was done she leaned forward, dropped the brush and then spit on the floor. I had enough, I stormed out of the room and called Steve. He picked up quickly and I told him to come downstairs. I waited by the elevator until he got here. He was wearing striped pj pants and his hair was askew.

  "She's in the bathroom." I told him as I walked to my room. I needed to calm down, or someone could get hurt.

  Steve pov

  "She's in the bathroom." Bucky said walking away. He looked tired. I walked off into the bathroom. I saw Haley on the counter with her arms crossed a few tears running down her face.

  "Hi princess." I said, but she ignored me. I noticed a toothbrush on the floor and some spit mixed with toothpaste right next to it. Bucky only told me he was tired and needed someone to put Haley down to sleep. But it looked like he had gotten mad at her.

  "Haley what happened?" I asked her. She looked up, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

  "Daddy's mad at me." She said weakly. So I was right, but what was he mad about? He never got mad at her. I picked her up and carried her into her room. I looked around and saw a mess, toys were everywhere and there were drawings on the walls. I set her down on her bed, then I went to her closet to find some pjs.

 I set her down on her bed, then I went to her closet to find some pjs

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  I pulled out some Avengers ones. I thought it was awesome people had Avengers stuff made that they could sell. I dressed her and laid her down in bed. She was still crying slightly.

  "Hey, hey don't cry. Your dad won't be mad at you in the morning anymore, okay?" I tried to comfort her. Her tears stopped, but her face still had a sad look. "Good night princess." I said pulling up her blanket, kissing her forehead and leaving. I closed her door and decided to clean up the mess in the bathroom.

  I started by cleaning up the spot and throwing away the toothbrush that was on the floor. I saw another toothbrush across the room. I walked over and picked up the bright purple toothbrush, it must have been Haley's I threw it away too and went to Bucky's room.

  "She should be asleep." I said walking in.

  "Okay. How is she?"

  "Good, but she's upset that you're mad at her." I told him.

  "Thanks Steve." He said, "Good night."

  "Night Buck" I replied and headed back upstairs, so I could sleep.

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