Chapter 06- Sickness

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  Bucky pov

She was taken from me, my angel was taken from me. I hunted her down, when I finally got to her she was scared of me. She watched me kill many men on my way to her. I walked toward her when she screamed.

I jolted awake sweating. Just a nightmare, I told myself, just a nightmare. I looked at the clock 7:08. I wondered why Haley hadn't woken me up yet. I walked to her room, to see her crying and holding her stomach. Another nightmare, I thought.

"Hey what's wrong doll?" I asked

"Daddy it hurts."she said I immediately thought about her lip.

"What hurts princess?" I asked walked towards her.

"My tummy" she said crying.

"Okay umm, come here" I told her. She crawled into my lap. I had to get medicine, I only had pills. I knew she wouldn't swallow pills. I got up with her in my arms. I walked out to the car, and put her in her seat. We drove to the store, I picked her up walking inside.

Okay medicine, I thought. We finally found the medicine and we're heading towards the check out when I saw Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Sam, Thor and Tony.

  "Fuuudge" I ducked into an isle. Walking around hoping no one saw me. They walked by arguing, about what to eat.

"Did he look familiar to you guys?" Natasha said. My heart stopped. I just kept walking so they wouldn't get suspicious.

"Yeah, he did" Tony told her.

Steve realized it was me and Haley and said, "Stark you know everyone, it was probably just someone you see on the streets a lot."

"No, I've seen that face" Sam said, and everyone agreed.

"Hey!" Tony called out, " you, come here"

I just walked faster, trying to get away. I heard them following me. I quickly ducked in and out of the isles, and ran to the check out hoping I'd lost them. On the way I grabbed sunglasses so they couldn't see my eyes and gloves to cover my metal hand. I was almost out of the store when I heard Natasha.

"Goin somewhere?" Of course what did I expect running from a spy? I quickly replied, "Home" and ran for it.

I strapped Haley in and took off. They couldn't find me now. Natasha would have to get the team and by the time they assembled I'd be home.

"Daddy who were those people?" Haley asked

"Uncle Steve's friends, sweetheart" I told her.

"Why did we run from them?" She asked.

"Umm, uncle Steve's friends don't like me" I answered her question.

"Why not?" She asked.

"I don't know pumpkin" I told her, as we pulled up to the apartment.

I carried her in and set her down. When I was trying to get the box open, I heard her throw up. I looked down and sure enough, she threw up. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Hey it's okay doll" I said picking her up. I carried her to the bathroom and set her on the counter. I made her take the medicine, and started a bath. I told her to stay and went to clean up the mess. I came back, and put her in the bath. She just sat there playing with some cars, until I started washing her hair. She got out and I dressed her.

  I took her to her room and put her down for a nap

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I took her to her room and put her down for a nap. Thinking about the store incident.

Steve pov

We were in the store getting food, when I saw Bucky. He saw us and ducked behind the isle shelf, trying to hide. But Natasha and everyone else saw him. I tried to tell them it was nobody but they didn't listen. They all turned around and called for him. He began to walk faster, so they followed him. We lost him at least everyone but Natasha did. She followed him. We waited ten minutes, searching for Natasha.

"He definitely knew us." She said walking towards us, she started telling us what happened.

"Maybe he was just scared the Avengers were chasing him" I said

"Babe do you really believe that?" Tony asked.

"No" I told him. Damnit I just couldn't lie.

"Why would he grab sunglasses and gloves?" Sam asked.

"I saw metal" Natasha said

"So?" Clint said.

"Left arm on his wrist" she told us.

"Bucky!" They all said.

"Maybe it was a watch, and Buck doesn't have a kid" I suggested

"Steve why are you disagreeing with everyone?" Sam asked.

"I'm just saying. You know what I'll call Bucky right now." I said getting out my phone. I started to call him hoping Haley wasn't in the background.

Bucky pov

Steve was calling. I just got Haley to sleep. I knew what he was calling about and he probably had it on speaker for the Avengers.

"What do want Steve?" I asked

"Hey Bucky" he said

"Where are you?" Sam blurted out

"My apartment?" I replied

"Where have you been all day?" Tony asked

"My apartment. Why?" I said

"They think you were at Walmart" Steve told me.

"No I've been here all day" I said

"See?" Steve told the others. They all grunted.

"Bye Steve"

"Bye Bucky"

That was close, but I still think they don't believe me. Now I had to be more careful with Haley. I was worried about Haley. They would find her. I knew it.

  Time skip**********

  Haley never woke up from her nap so I just let her sleep. I went to check on her when I woke up. I walked over to her and put my hand on her forehead,she was burning up. She definitely had a fever. I went to get the medicine when I heard a knock on the door.

  "One second" I called out I took the medicine to her room and closed her door.

  They knocked again. Steve never knocked this had to be someone else. Maybe it was an Avenger. I quickly put away the toys around the room, and opened the door.

  "Hello?" I said. All the Avengers were at my apartment. Why me? Why now?

  "We came to see you." Tony said, "can we come in?"

  "No" I told him

  "Why not? Hiding something?" He asked.

  "No" I told him again, shutting and locking the door.

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