Chapter 23- Bullet Wound

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Time skip- six days later**********

Steve pov

  I heard a blood curdling scream next to me. I woke suddenly. I saw a crying girl next to me. Tony and Peter ran in.

  "I've got her, you guys can go back to sleep." I told them, they both stood there for a second before going back to bed. They didn't know about her nightmares, only me and Bucky did.

  "Haley? Umm it's okay." I tried comforting her.

  "I want my Daddy." She cried. I didn't know what to do, this was the first nightmare she had since she got here. Bucky would be back in the afternoon tomorrow. I looked at the clock, 12:47. Tomorrow was in only a few minutes.

  "He's not here Haley." I told her. She began crying more. After the first few days she began to want her dad. I just had to keep telling her he wasn't here yet. Every morning it was the first thing she would ask about. She would cry when I told her he wasn't back yet, but now was the worst of it. I tried calling him, but he didn't pick up his phone. After two hours of her begging me for her dad, she had cried herself to sleep. I felt bad for her.

  She slept until 11:00 am. The team would be back in 30 minutes. They had finished their mission just after Bucky had been shot. They were coming back as fast as the could so that they could get Bucky into the med lab. Meanwhile Haley and Peter played while I read a book. Tony went to his lab to work on something.

  "Captain Rogers I have been told to alert you that the team is back and they would like to see you in the med lab." J.A.R.V.I.S. said.

  "You watch her, I'm going down there." I told Peter, he nodded his head.

  Peter pov

  Steve left and Haley asked if her dad was back. I couldn't tell her no, she had been told he'd be back soon.

  "Yes." I said.

  "I want to see him!" She said, jumping up and grabbing her bunny.

  "Okay." I said hesitantly, Steve would not like this I took her hand and we started descending stairs. We made it to the floor with the med bay and headed towards Steve, Bruce and Haley's dad. Haley let go of my hand dropped her bunny and took off running towards her dad as soon as he was in sight.

  Bucky pov

  "You left my daughter with a fourteen year old you met a week ago?" I asked.

  "Daddy!" I heard her yell. I looked over to see her running towards me. She jumped in my arms and began to hug me.

  "Hey Princess." I said, hugging her back. I had missed her so much, it physically hurt to be away from her. I left my phone on our floor, so I was unable to talk to her for a week. But she was here now, she was back in my arms.

  "Sorry, but she needs to move so I can stitch up your wound before you bleed out." Bruce said, bringing me back to reality. I had been shot, in my lower right abdomen, by some random HYDRA agent on our mission. I was so excited to see Haley I hadn't realized her leg was pressing right on my bullet wound.

  "Haley can you sit next to me please?" I asked and she hesitantly let go of me and sat down. I had bled all over her leg, but she didn't notice.

  "Steve can you start cleaning her up?" Bruce asked.

  "Sure." He said. He wiped away all of the blood tat was on her as she looked at me worriedly.

  "What happened?" She asked.

  "Daddy got hurt while he was gone princess." I told her.

  "Are you okay?" She asked.

  "I'll be fine, Bruce just has to give me a band-aid." I told her, "You go wait with Uncle Steve while Bruce gives me a band- aid okay?"

  "Okay." She said sadly. Steve took her back upstairs.

  "How bad is it?" I asked.

  "It didn't go through." He said.

"Give me the tweezers." I said. I took them from him and began to search for the bullet feeling around my abdomen for the bullet.

  "I don't think you should-" he started.

  "I got this." I told him. I found it about one inch to the left and back. I reached into the bullet hole with the tweezers, making me gasp, I managed to grab the bullet and pull it out. I dropped it in the metal tray Bruce was holding and picked up a needle and some wire.

  "I don't-" he started again.

  "I know how to stitch a bullet wound, just get me a mirror." I told him. He did as I said and brought me a mirror. I used the mirror to guide myself in stitching the hole in my abdomen. After I was done stitching I put a gauze pad on it and started to leave the lab.

  "Where'd you learn to fix a bullet wound?" Bruce asked.

  "You get shot working for HYDRA." I told him, "and no one but yourself will fix you up."

  I got upstairs and went to my floor before Steve's so I could put on a shirt that wasn't covered in blood. I ran up the stairs to Steve and Tony's floor.

  "Haley!" I called. She came over to me and I picked her up to hug her. She held tight on my shirt. I walked into Steve's living room. It was a mess, Haley's toys were everywhere. The boy, Peter, was picking them up.

  "Thanks." I told him.

  The elevator chimed. Bruce walked out holding Haley's bunny.

  "Drop something?" He asked he handed it to me then left.

  A few minutes later Haley had fallen asleep, the only reason I noticed was because her grip on my shirt loosened and her breathing became even.

  "How was she?" I asked.

  "Not to bad. She just played with Peter a lot." Steve said. She had apparently began to trust Peter, but I wasn't to sure about him.

  "Any nightmares?" I asked when Peter left.

  "Yeah. Just one. Last night."

  "How bad?"

  "She woke me up screaming, and then cried for you for about two hours." He said. I sighed, that was why I never wanted to leave her.

  "She cried for you everyday, but not as long as last night." He said. That made it worse. I hated leaving her. I never wanted to go on a mission again. I wasn't an Avenger, I didn't have to. After Steve had told me all about the week, I decided to go downstairs. I grabbed her bags and carried her downstairs, she hadn't moved out of her hugging position. I put down her bags and carried her to my room I laid her down and got in bed next to her. I fell asleep in minutes not able to resist it.

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