Chapter 17- Fever

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Bucky pov

I couldn't sleep well knowing Haley was in pain. I slept off and on for about two hours then just decided to stay awake. I sat there watching Haley, her face had a look of discomfort and pain. I had to stop looking at her it made me feel bad that I couldn't do anything but give her medicine. I was hungry so I went to get breakfast. I heard a noise but just ignored it and kept cooking. Then I heard a faint crying noise from my room. I ran to my room and saw Haley crying in front of a puddle of throw up.

  I picked her up and hugged her, her forehead was burning up against my neck. I carried her into the kitchen and found the thermometer. She had a 103.4 temp. She definitely had a fever. I stripped her shirt and pants off leaving her in her diaper. I cleaned the mess in my room and started another bath. After grabbing her and my phone off the counter, I put her in the bath and called Steve.Steve was there in minutes.

  "What's wrong?" He asked when he walked into the bathroom.

  "I don't know." I said in a worried tone, "She's been throwing up and she has a 103.4 temperature."

  "Okay, uhh finish her bath and we'll take her to Tony or Bruce." He said and went to the living room. I finished her bath and got her in some clothes.

  I picked her up and she just hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder

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  I picked her up and she just hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder. I carried her down to Tony and Bruce's lab, with Steve right behind me.

  "Hey guys I need some help" I called walking over to a bed. I laid Haley down on the bed when Bruce and Tony rushed over.

  "What's wrong?" They both asked. As much as Tony hated me, he loved my daughter just as much as Steve did.

  "She has a 103.4 fever and she's been throwing up." I said.

  "Okay uhh I'll do my best but she still has to see a doctor." Bruce told me. He began examining her.

  "Haley, how do you feel?" He asked.

  "My tummy hurts and it's really hot." She said. Bruce gave her some medicine then told me to let her rest and bring her back in a few hours. I scooped her up and went back upstairs leaving Tony, Steve and Bruce in the lab.

  When I got back to our floor I took her to my room and laid her down in bed. I sat on the bed next to her right side.

  "Daddy" said a faint voice. I looked over to her and she was reaching for my arm. I let her grab it then she put the cold metal on her forehead. It made me smile a bit, she was very smart for her age and getting smarter. I planned to enroll her in school but I wasn't sure if she's ready yet. I also had to potty train her before she could even go.

She woke up from her nap at 2:00. I checked her temperature again, it had gone down to 100.7. She still had a fever but it was getting better. I held her hand and we started to go downstairs to the lab. We almost made it out the door when she stopped suddenly and threw up. I carried her to the bathroom, started a bath and cleaned up the mess. I put her in the bath and tried to comfort her. Her face was red and parts of her body were red. She must've been really hot. I let her sit in the bath a little before drying her off and dressing her.

 I let her sit in the bath a little before drying her off and dressing her

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I picked her up and carried her to the lab.

"I think she should stay down here." Bruce said.

"No Bruce, she's not staying down here." I told him.

"Do you want her to get better, or not?" He asked.

"Fine." I agreed. "But you're not going to use a lot of machines on her."

"She needs an IV."

"That's fine but no more." I said. I held her hand and talked to her as Bruce put in her IV. She fell asleep again a few minutes later. Bruce checked her temperature every two hours it was up and down. I kept my metal hand on her forehead, she looked more comfortable with the cool metal against her skin. She woke up at 7:00 pm. She wanted to do something but Bruce wouldn't let her. At 9:00 Bruce checked her temperature, it had gone down to 97.6 and her skin wasn't as red anymore. He finally allowed me to take her upstairs, but first the IV. I went over to the side with the tape and slowly pulled it off. I went to grab the needle, but Haley jerked her arm away.

"It's okay princess, it won't hurt" I said reaching for her arm.

"Noooo" she screamed pulling it further away.

"Please, we can go back upstairs if you let me." I told her. She slowly let me take hold of her arm. Then I quickly and carefully pulled the needle out. Bruce gave her a pink band aid and she was all better.

  We went upstairs and I fixed her some mac n cheese. She ate it and then wanted to play.

  "No doll, we can't play it's time for bed." I told her.

  "Pretty please daddy?" She asked jutting out her lip.


"Pleeeeeaaaaassee?" She begged.

"Fine just a little bit." I agreed. She wasn't going to bed soon anyways, she slept all day. I held her hand as she led me to her bedroom.

We played for about an hour and a half before she started drifting off to sleep. I put her in her bed and pulled the blankets over her. I cleaned up her toys and the mess from dinner earlier before going to bed.

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