Chapter 05- Small Incident

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Bucky pov

I jumped awake when I heard a blood-curdling scream. It took me a few seconds to realize it was Haley's scream, but when I looked over at her she was still asleep. She had tears streaming down her face, she must've had a nightmare again. I slowly moved towards her.

"Haley, wake up doll," I whispered.

She jolted awake, breathing heavily. When she saw me, she backed away afraid. She was scared of me, just like I thought she would be.

"Shhhh. Hey doll, it's just me. Shhhh"I said. She scampered over to me when she realized I was her dad.

"What happened, doll?" I asked her.

"T-the b-b-big sc-scary men were- were coming for me" she said while crying. That explained why she backed away from me, I wasn't a very small person. I was pretty large compared to her, so I must've made her think I was one of the men in her dream.

"Shhhh. They can't get you, daddy won't let them get you, okay? Shhhhh. Shhhhhh" I said calming her down.

I glanced at the clock it read 3:37. I tried to get Haley back to sleep but she refused, not wanting to have another nightmare. I at least got her to lay there, so I could sleep.

When I woke up, Haley wasn't there. I jumped out of bed, panicking.

"Haley?Haley?" I called out. I found her in her room playing. I stumbled over to her, picked her up and hugged her.

"Daddy will you pway with me?" She asked me.

"Yeah doll, I can play with you. What are we gonna play?"

"Amnimals" she screamed excitedly, walking over to her toys. She came back with a box full of tiny animals. "Here daddy," she said and handed me some animal toys.

"Meow meow meow" she said, playing with a cat. We played for about two hours, when I heard a tiny growl. "Daddy I'm hungry" she said, and I chuckled.

I scooped her up and took her to the kitchen. I fixed her some mac n' cheese. She was eating it quickly.

"Slow down doll,I don't want you to choke" I told her worriedly. She eventually slowed down.

"All done" she said happily.

"Come on doll, let's go play" I said, and she ran towards her room.

I saw it before it happened, she fell. She tripped on a toy and fell. I ran towards her. She was crying,and blood was running down her chin. I freaked out. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a rag. I started wiping away the blood, and called Steve.


"Steve I need help."

"What's wrong?"

"She fell and she's bleeding" I told him.

"Okay, umm. Get her cleaned up I'll be there in ten." He said hanging up.

"Shhhh it's okay doll, Steve's coming, don't worry"

There was a lot of blood it was everywhere. I didn't think the kid had that much in her. Eventually it stopped bleeding. That's when Steve walked in. He walked over and picked her up.

"Let me see princess" he told her. She let him look, and he examined it carefully. "She doesn't need stitches but we do need a band-aid." He said, directing his words to me. I rushed off to get a bandage. I came back and Steve fixed her up. "I told everyone I was going to get coffee, so I gotta go. Just keep an eye on her wound. I'll be back in a few days."

"Okay bye Steve"

"You gotta be careful doll" I told her setting her on her bed. I started to clean up the blood that was on the floor.

"I'm sorry daddy" she said sadly.

"It's okay doll I just don't want you to get hurt" I said reassuringly.

I finished cleaning the floor and went to get a new shirt. I didn't have any more long sleeve shirts. Shit. I'd been wearing long sleeves, so I wouldn't scare Haley with my metal arm. But I didn't have anymore, and my only clean jacket had the left sleeve torn off. Why did I think that was a good idea? I decided to bring her in here to show her so she didn't freak out when I walked back in her room.

"Haley, come to daddy's room" I called, and she came. "I don't wanna scare you okay?"

"Otay daddy" she said

I slowly removed my shirt, revealing my arm. She didn't look the tiniest bit scared.

"What is it daddy?" She asked.

"Okay so you're not scared"

"No?" She said but it sounded like a question.

"Okay doll. You can go play now" I told her as she walked off.

I was surprised she wasn't scared. I went and played with her for three more hours.

"Hey doll, you hungry?" I asked. She just shook her head so we went to the kitchen.

I made her some more mac n' cheese. This time she ate it slower. When she finished, she yawned.

"Okay doll, time for bed" I said carrying her to her room.

"But I'm not sleepy daddy" she whined.

"Yes you are" I said pulling her covers over her.

  I walked away closing her door quietly. I'd had her for three days and she was already hurt. I walked to the kitchen to clean up. After washing the dishes I went and checked on Haley. She was sleeping, her bunny pulled tightly to her chest. She took that thing everywhere. I closed her door again, and walked to my room. I fell asleep quickly, and for the first time since Haley got here I had a nightmare.

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