Chapter 10- Notice

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Bucky pov

We got to the lab and I set Haley down on a table. Bruce was running around the room getting things for Haley. He came back to the table and told Haley to put her legs fully on the table.

"I can't use stitches, but I can wrap it and clean it." Bruce said examining her knee.


"You might want to hold her..." Bruce said, and I got the clue it was gonna hurt.

"Ow...ow...ow...oowww" Haley complained every time he touched her knee. He finished cleaning in about ten minutes, and then he started wrapping her knee in gauze.

"All finished" he said clapping his hands.

"Thanks Bruce"

"No problem, you may wanna go upstairs and talk with everyone they'll be mad if you just leave."

"Okay" I replied as I walked out of the door. I got in the elevator with Haley and pressed the button for the 34th floor.

  "Banner is that you?" Tony asked.

  "Take another guess" I said.

  "How is she?" Steve said his voice laced with worry.

  "She's fine" I told him and he sighed with relief. I went and sat down in a chair. Haley struggled out of my grip and ran over to Steve. He picked her up and sat her on his lap. She just listened to everyone's conversation and fell asleep.

  "Hey Buck, you might wanna head home." Steve said looking down and finally noticing Haley was sleeping on him.

  "Yeah" I said getting up. Steve stood up with Haley and handed her to me. I took her and walked towards the elevator.

  "Hey you should bring her by more often, I think she likes it here." Tony said.

  "Yeah." I said and the elevator doors closed. I got outside and strapped Haley in the car. When we got home I picked her up and walked up the stairs. We got to the door and I saw a written notice on the door. I took it down and walked inside.

  I went to Haley's room and laid her down. I went to the kitchen after tucking her in. I sat down in a chair, and looked at the notice. I had five days to pay the rent or find somewhere else. I couldn't find a job, no one wanted to hire the Winter Soldier. I might have to go to the Avengers tower. No. I couldn't do that after refusing so much.

  I got a few job interviews for tomorrow. I decided to sleep on the living situation. I would have to drop off Haley somewhere so I could go to my interviews. I might just take her with me. I'll just get Steve to watch her.

  Time skip- Next Morning **********

  "Hey Steve"

  "Hey Buck, what's up"

  "I need you to watch Haley"

  "Okay. Why?"

  "I have something to do"

  "Okay, when?"

  "Just get here as soon as you can."

  "Okay be there in 45 minutes"



His Little Secret जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें