Chapter 13- More Questions

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Bucky pov

When Haley woke up I took her to the bath room to give her a bath and a clean diaper. Then I dressed her.

  I brought her into the kitchen and started making waffles she didn't want to sit in a chair so I held her on my left hip, cooking with my right hand

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I brought her into the kitchen and started making waffles she didn't want to sit in a chair so I held her on my left hip, cooking with my right hand. When I finished she ate and I asked questions about her nightmares, but when she ran out of food she just asked to play, obviously not wanting to talk. I agreed to play so we went to her bedroom. Her bedroom was decorated differently in the Avenger's tower than it was in the apartment.

  The Avengers bought her all kinds of toys like dolls and a doll house even though I told them she liked cars and legos more

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The Avengers bought her all kinds of toys like dolls and a doll house even though I told them she liked cars and legos more. She decided to play with animals in her doll house. I laid down on my stomach and she sat next to me while we played. We played for hours we didn't stop until she began yawning. I put her down on her bed for a nap but she wouldn't sleep without me. So I crammed into the small bed and laid next to her. After she fell asleep I got up and started picking up her toys. I got out my phone and texted Steve to come see me.

He was soon coming out of the elevator. He looked around till he saw me in Haley's doorway and came over to me.

"What did you need Buck?" Asked Steve.

"Advice" I said.

"On what?" He asked cluelessly.

"I'm worried about Haley, she's having more nightmares and barely eating she also won't let me out of her sight."

"Has she said anything?"

"No she finds an excuse not to." I told him. Haley stirred in her sleep and both our heads snapped towards her. She didn't show any other signs of a nightmare or discomfort so we went back to talking.

"Maybe find a child therapist and see if it helps."

"Okay thanks Steve."

He left just before Haley began to cry in her sleep. I woke her up so she wouldn't have to suffer another nightmare. I wiped her tears away with my rough hand and she hopped out of bed.

"Can we go see Uncle Steve?" She asked while jutting her bottom lip out.

"Sure doll" I said chuckling. I headed towards the elevator when she stopped dead in her tracks. She wouldn't get on the elevator. So I scooped her up and held her. She was fine if I held her but she wouldn't let her feet touch the elevator. I pressed the button for the lounge and the elevator started moving, and Haley gripped tighter on my shirt. We got off the elevator and Haley was visibly calmer.

  We found Steve sitting on the couch reading a book.

  "Uncle Steve!!" Haley yelled. I put her down and she giggled as she ran to him. She jumped in his lap and hugged him. Me and Steve were both caught off guard. She's never acted like that with anyone but me.

  "Hey princess." Steve said.

  "Where is everyone?" I asked.

  "On a mission." Steve said.

  "Uncle Steve I'm hungy" Haley complained.

  "Okay." Steve said picking her up and carrying her to the kitchen.  One thing no one knows about Captain America is he can't cook. So Steve sat at the table with Haley while I cooked. I was glad Haley was starting to trust someone other than me. I got Haley's food done and set it on the table she was still eating slow.

  "All done Daddy" she said. I looked at her plate and she barely ate half of it. I was going to make her eat more but she ran off to play with Steve. They decided to go upstairs while I cleaned up the kitchen. Steve picked her up and began walking away.

  "Noooooooo" Haley screamed terrified. I walked over to them and took her from Steve and began to comfort her. Steve went to finish cleaning up while I talked to her.

  "Hey what's wrong?" I asked.

  "It's scarwy." She said beginning to cry.

  "Hey it's okay. Don't cry please." I pleaded. She sat down and tried to stop crying. I scooped her off the ground as I called to Steve. He came with us as we walked up the stairs. We got to her room and she started to play with Steve. I just went and finished unpacking everything. I came across a small red book with a black star on it. Memories came flooding back. I quickly put it away in the closet on the highest shelf, and finished unpacking.

  Steve came in my room carrying Haley. She was sleeping on his shoulder drooling. I chuckled and took her from him.

  "Everyone's back and they want to talk to you."

  "Okay." I said following him.

  "Hey babe, oh hi Bucky" Tony said as we walked in. Steve went and sat right next to his boyfriend and I sat in the chair that was in the corner again.

  "Why did you bring her down here if she's sleeping?" Natasha asked.

  "Because I did, now what did you want?" I asked.

  "How old did you say she was again?" Sam asked. Great more questions.


  "When is her birthday?" I had to think about that one. Her birthdate was June 27th of 1945.

"In tw-three weeks?" I said not really sure.

"Are you gonna put her in school?"


"Are you gonna put her in school?"

"Uhh- I don't know"

They kept asking me questions until Haley woke up.

"Hey pumpkin." I said. She just smiled and rubbed her eyes looking around confused.

"Hellwo." Haley said to the Avengers. Everyone just awwed.

"Yeah, I don't think you made that Barnes. She's too cute to come from you." Sam said.

"Shu- Zip it Sam." I said remembering the toddler on my lap. Everyone just laughed as Haley giggled at what I told Sam.

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