Me, Skylar

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I'm Skylar. I don't like to share my surname because I share it with my parents. And I don't like my parents either.

My mum nevers speaks to me. She acts as if I don't exist and I don't know why. My dad hasn't been at home for years. The only memories I have of him are unpleasant though. And I don't want to talk about it. Yet at least.

I just finished another tiring and draining day of school. I'm 16, so I study on the week days and I also have a part time job on the weekends.

I came up to the front door and tried to open it. Locked. I didn't have my keys either. So, I knocked loudly because I knew my mum was at home. But I also knew that she wouldn't open it. Not for me at least.

After waiting a few moments, I was proved right. If I didn't know any better, I would have assumed that she wasn't even home. She was. She was ignoring me.

I sighed and turned my back on the house. I walked towards the park, hoping to get some fresh air to calm myself down.

I don't like to be pessimistic. But, if you don't find reasons to be optimistic, you end up a pessimist most of the time. After thinking for a while, some reasons I found to be grateful were : I'm still alive, I have access to basic human necessities and my mental health is decent.

I'm also healthy. That's good.

Anyways, the park is usually very busy around this time. After school, a lot of kids like to hang out with their friends here. I don't really have friends that I hang out with. Sometimes I talk to some classmates at school. Or, I stay over at my neighbour's house. That's just about it.

Well, I don't really like places where there are so many people. So, I decided to walk to my school. For no major reason.

Once I got there, I saw someone. I recognised him. I didn't know his name, but I have seen him walking through the corridors before.

I glanced at him. I was meant to look away, but at the same time, he glanced at me. We had eye contact for a moment. I then looked away.

His eyes were really... something. I don't know how exactly to describe them. Mysterious and curious all at the same time. Wide and light brown. Captivating.

Out of the corner of my eye, I realised that he was still looking at me. It made me feel uneasy. I was about to walk away when he asked.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm ok. Why do you ask?"

"Something's on your mind. I can tell."

This boy is really creepy. It's nice that he cares, but it doesn't change the fact that he's creepy.

I told him. "I guess. But I'll manage. Thanks for your concern."

Just when I was about to walk away, he asked, "Will you come to school tomorrow?"

I didn't bother looking back. I just said "Yeah." and kept going.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Was the final thing he said to me.

I don't know what's up with this guy. I'll just go to Mia's house to sleep tonight. Mia is my neighbour and around my age. She's pretty much the only one I trust and I spend a lot of nights sleeping over there.

I kind of just want to keep going. And I hope for the best.

Love from the fireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora