With that, Heejin shot another laser toward the girl, but with her speed, Mina used her power to move the laser across the room, hitting Jimin in the back. The cold boy turned around, confused, giving Jungkook the time to attack him.

Heejin let out a grunt of frustration before running to Mina, engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Mina blocked all of her attacks, as insistent and angry as they were, her forearms taking the blows. It was effective until Heejin collided her fist with her unblocked stomach, making the girl bend over in pain before a foot collided with her nose. Mina grunted as she slammed against the railing, squinting from the pain and the blood trickling from her nose.

She felt a hand forcefully tug at her hair, making her look up to see Jimin across the room, holding Jungkook against the wall by his neck, a threatening icicle to his throat. She coughed as the grip got tighter, making her wince.

"Look at your boyfriend, so vulnerable and weak. Just like you. You guys are made for each other," she hissed.

Jungkook strained as Jimin's grip around his neck got tighter, his cold fingertips digging into his skin. Jimin smirked, his blue eyes amused as he motioned his head behind his shoulder. "Isn't that your girl over there? The one you stole from me?"

"I didn't—" he coughed, "—steal her."

"Oh, really?" Jimin gave him a fake gasp of surprise before his expression turned dark. "Because you knew I was in love with her."

"Hyung," Jungkook strained, tugging at his best friend's arm. "Don't do this."

"And why should I stop?" Jimin gritted through his teeth, pressing the tip of the icicle into the soft skin of his neck.

Jungkook licked his lips, a knowing smirk engulfing his features. "Because I can make you."

Jimin squinted in confusion for a beat before the icicle in his hand suddenly turned into water, trickling in his hand and spilling on the floor. The grip around Jungkook's neck began to loosen, and the younger boy took this opportunity to twist his arm away, pressing his hand against his chest and pushing him to the floor.

Seeing his success, Mina smirked before throwing her fist up, colliding her knuckles with Heejin's face, who shrieked as she fell backward, Mina's hair falling free. Turning around, Mina used her power to pull at Heejin's foot, sweeping her off of her feet and making her fall onto the floor. She hastily bent down and tugged at the shadow, watching it awkwardly travel along the wall, and the staircase until it collided with another shadow; Jimin's shadow that Jungkook had just pulled off.

The shadow reached the end of the staircase, joining with another shadow on the floor. It morphed oddly before suddenly, a being began to rise from the floor, Mina immediately recognizing it to be her father. He seemed weakened, barely on his feet, as if the two defeated shadows were harming him and his power.

"Minnie? What the hell?" Heejin's groggily voice pulled Mina's attention, who helped her up quickly.

"You have to leave. And get the police," Mina stated before grabbing onto the girl, who couldn't spare a word before the two were flying off the balcony and onto the first floor. Jimin and Jungkook landed beside them simultaneously, the four sharing glances before Jimin and Heejin both ran out of the house. Mina joined Jungkook again, her heart aching at the sight of his bruises and cuts, the same occurring for Jungkook as he noticed her bloody nose and her scratched-up jaw.

The two turned toward the man who had fallen onto the staircase, weakly panting as he leaned his elbow on a stair to keep him upright.

"It's over, father," Mina panted as she stepped toward him, blood fueling her veins.

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