ii. Chemistry

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MINA'S FIRST THREE classes went by quite quickly, much to her surprise. When she was homeschooled, she would learn nearly for the entire day due to her father's wishes. Thankfully, Bitna, her new friend, was in her previous two classes where she had practically clung to her. Her teachers were nice, adding more and more to the comfort of high school for Mina. Though, she wasn't sure why gym had to be a class.

Of course, it wasn't like Mina wasn't fit or anything. She liked to exercise on the rare occasion she got a day off from homeschooling or her singing lessons, but she didn't know why it was mandatory for school. However, much to her gratitude, they didn't have to do any exercise that day considering it was the first day. Mina sat through the whole period listening to Bitna's complaints about gym class, and how much she hated being sweaty.

The period for lunch had finally come, and Bitna accompanied her to the large cafeteria, Mina nearly dropping her jaw at the sight of the crowd of students sitting down already.

It ignited a spark of excitement within her. She couldn't wait to finally be among them, sitting beside them.

"Did you bring lunch?" Bitna raised her eyebrows at Mina, playful swinging her body in her place with her hands clutched to her backpack straps.

"No, my secretary gave me a credit card," Mina answered, regretting it after due to the way it made her sound. Bitna only laughed, once again intertwining her arm with hers before making their way to the line, where students were presumably waiting to get their lunch. There was a large bar on the side of the cafeteria, several people behind it preparing the students' lunches neatly. The cafeteria—hell, the entire school looked so pristine, as if it were some high-end academy, even though it was a public school.

Mina had followed Bitna's actions carefully when they reached the front, grabbing a tray and following down the line, earning some rice, pork belly, and a side of kimchi to fill her tray. Except the portions of each dish were huge, way more than Mina usually ate. She was usually required to follow a strict diet due to her frequent recitals, where she had to wear dresses and get pictures taken. She wasn't even sure if she could eat all of it.

After paying, Mina followed Bitna toward the back of the cafeteria, where she assumed she ate every year.

"I sit at that table!" Bitna pointed to a long table far away near the corner, beside the windows, providing fresh light to the surface. "Wait! I forgot napkins! You go on and sit!" she exclaimed before turning around. Mina obeyed, continuing to make her way toward the table.

She suddenly felt self-conscious, noticing a few students glance at her as she would walk by. Her eyes darted to the tray of food, her mind hazy with a loud and chaotic train of thoughts as her insecurities began to tumble down on her at once.

What if they won't like me? What if they don't accept me? What if—!

The train crashed in her head as she felt herself run into a large force, her lunch tray flying onto the figure in front of her as she stumbled back. The clang of the tray onto the floor echoed through the cafeteria as she gasped in shock. Her food was scattered on the floor, the stack of kimchi balled up by the other person's feet.

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