You Are My Sunshine

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"We're here. This is your home, little ones." I say as I  hold the baby carriers in front of our home. I placed baby Sam's carrier down slowly and opened the car door for Sophie, holding out my hand for her.

She smiles as she reaches out and carefully gets out of the car.

She looks so beautiful with her afterglow. Motherhood looks so beautiful on her. I surely must have done something right to deserve this woman. She's a blessing to me, to my boys, to my family, to my life.

We made our way inside and were shocked as we were surprised by our family and friends with a big welcome home party for Sophie and my boys. A lot of our townfolk were here as well, welcoming our twins home. There was food everywhere, along with blue balloons, and streamers inside and outside our home.

Everywhere I looked, there were people, kids running, smiling, and having a great time. Music played in the back to enlighten the atmosphere. It made me feel so proud of being part if this town.

"Wow, hey guys. Thank you. Man, this is awesome." I say as I hand over the carrier with baby Tony to my mom, and give a hug to my friend Sam. "Oh, there's my little man." mom says as she carefully takes the strap off and holds my son in her arms.

"Let me hold him," Ashley says as mom moves away from her making her whine. "Nope, this is grandma's time. Shoo, shoo," she says making me chuckle along with the other ladies. Ashley pouts, earning a hug from Aaron from behind.

"Welcome home, buddy. You look like shit and tired as fuck already. Signs you're being a good dad." Sam says earning a punch to his shoulder.

"Shut up, asshole," I reply making him chuckle as he rubs his shoulder. "Can you blame me? I've been in that hospital for three days with my wife and babies. I haven't slept much, eaten much, or done much of anything. But I can't help it, man. Look at my boys? Aren't they perfect?" I say as I place my hands on my hips and sigh, looking toward my boys.

Sophie holds Tony, and my mom holds Sam as other ladies from our town do baby sounds and smile at them.

"Yeah, they're precious little things. How is Nathan taking it so far, with the twins being born?" he asks making me chuckle.

"Nathan loves the twins. He's so protective of them. H's been going to see them with his grandpa. You should have seen him the first day. The twins were restless, crying and being fussy. Sophie had already fed them, I helped change their diapers, we tried burping them... Nothing... until we helped Nate sit on the bed, and he held both of them... They fell asleep in his arms right away." I say making Sam chuckle as he crosses his hands over his chest and kids in amusement.

"Sounds like he's going to be very protective of them. Just like his pops," he says slapping my back. I chuckle and look toward Sophie. Nate stood right by her as she held one of my babies with one hand carefully, and had her other arm around Nate's waist, holding him close to her and the baby. The ladies stood in awe around them, smiling and caressing Nate and the baby on their heads.

Nate kissed the baby on his forehead repeatedly in a very gentle, loving manner. The sight made my heart content. I surely was so in love with my family. I had the girl I have always loved, and three wonderful boys with her.

"Hey, Logan. Just came by quickly to say congrats." Amber says as she holds Kenzie's hand and smiles. I smile back and hug her. "Thanks, Amber."

"Well, I'm going to go say bye to Sophie and everyone before we leave," she says as she points toward Sophie.

"Wait, you're leaving now? But we just got here." I say as I widen my eyes.

"Yeah, but my flight is in two hours. If I don't leave now, I'll be stuck in traffic and might miss my flight," she says knitting her eyebrows and smiling. I sigh looking at Sam and then towards Kenzie. She was both excited and sad.

Amber had taken a leap of faith. Michael and she have been talking every day, and he calls Kenzie every night before she goes to sleep. They managed to patch things up and both realized they still love each other.

He called her out of the blues one night and asked her to move with him to Okinawa. Kenzie was finally going to have a chance to have her dad in her life.

She was sad to leave us, I mean, she was leaving her parents and career, but her dad gave her his blessing. Her mom is slowly but surely recovering. But she has to do what her heart is telling her.

Kenzie was especially saddened to leave my little man, Nate who has become her best friend, but I think her nervousness was mainly the fact that she was going to live in a whole new country, with a new language, and different lifestyle, leaving her whole life behind and starting anew.

Amber looks around spotting everyone around and waving to some. "Hey, where's Steven by the way?" she asks making me smile.

Steven was visiting Audrey's family and hoping to get on his good side, things were really getting serious with Audrey, if you ask me. He had already thought of popping the question to her, but he wanted to make sure that he had the dad's approval as well.

As for his daughter, Kaitlyn was finally starting to get along with Audrey.

They were becoming good friends, and from what I hear from Steven, she accidentally called Audrey 'mom'a few times making Audrey tear up.

I was happy for him. Looks like we are all starting to settle down and start our families.

Steven and Sam have always been there for me sincere we were kids. They were more than my friends, they're my brothers. Sure we got into heated arguments and shit, but they're still my best friends, and I'd do anything for them, including letting my wife name my kids after them, as you can see.

Amber hugged us one last time and went to say bye to Sophie. Nate and Kenzie cried, hugged each other, and said goodbye. We wished her a good flight and asked her to stay in touch. I just hope that Michael treats them well. Kenzie is a sweetheart, and I love her as if she was mine, I just want what's good for her.

And if you're wondering what happened to Roxanne? Well...

She's doing peachy inside the county jail. She cursed me and told me to go to hell the last time I saw her in court, but hey... She fucked with my wife. I warned her to stay away from her, and she refused to listen. Now, she has to face the consequences. As for her dad, a warrant for his arrest is being processed so he can face prosecution for his frauds.

Her mom is now living with Steven and went to Audrey's house with them. Audrey and she have surprisingly become good friends and both love Kaitlyn unconditionally, helping her to heal and become the kid she deserves to be.

As for me... If you'll excuse me. It's time I go next to my wife and kids to welcome our new beginning.

She looks back and smiles, making me smile back. "There's my sunshine, I say as I kiss her lips."



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