He's A Mystery

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(Two Days Later)

I have been patrolling all night and morning. I'm was starving, so I decided to stop at the dinner where I always go to eat. I parked the car and made my way inside.

So, yes, the rumors are true. I love sleeping around with beautiful women, and I've slept with most in my town. Hints... Almost all of them, because there's a handful I haven't with, and that includes Audrey, the beautiful Audrey Miller. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

But she has never given me the day of light. She blows me off and won't ever give me a chance to even talk to her. She's gorgeous, smart, funny...an independent girl that never takes bull from anyone. She has these beautiful eyes that change depending on her mood, or what she wears. There are days when they look green, and mesmerizing with a hint of gold. On other days, they look as if you wear staring at the clearest water in the ocean, yet on other days, they look like deep pools of blues, filled with worry and resentment.

I love her petite body full of curves, her long dark curls, though she straightens her hair or wears it in a loose messy bun when she hasn't had time to herself.

I'm bound to steal her heart one day. Even if it's the last thing I do. She's that one girl that I would truly...but I mean truly... Give up whoring around for. The only girl I see me building a future with. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was willing to try that with Rox for the sake of our daughter. I tried loving her, I tried my hardest to make things work, and to change for her. But Rox has proven to me that she isn't fit for a family woman, and what's worse, she isn't fit to be a mom as well.

I can't wait to meet with Logan and work up a plan to get my daughter.

I made my way inside and sat at the same booth I always do. Which of course, yes, it's a booth that belongs to her area. She stands with her hand on her hip while holding her pen and notepad, while the other hand rests on the countertop. She smiles as she talks to old man Jenkins. He's a good man, Mr. Jenkins. He's one of the eldest farmers here and has a son who went to our high school, who works with him on his farm.

"Mornin' sheriff," he says as I take a seat and place my phone down next to me. "Morning Mr. Jenkins," I reply with a smile. She sighs, patting Mr. Jenkins on his shoulder and pursing her lips. "Let me know if you need anything else, Mr. Jenkins," she says to him and turns on her heels. "Will do darling. Hey, by the way, put his food on my tab, will you?" he says making her lock eyes with me. "Uh, are you sure?" she asks turning to see him as she pours a cup of coffee.

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary, Mr. Jenkins, I can pay for my food."

"Nonsense, I got you, son. Just a little thank you for helping me return my cattle safely back to my farm. I don't know what my boy and I would have done without you and the others. Please, son, it's the least I can do." he says making me feel awkward.

"I'll tell you what, I'll take your offer, but only his time. Besides, I was just doing my job." I reply. Audrey comes over, places the coffee before me along with creamer and sugar.

"What will it be, Sherriff?" she asks nonchalantly. I purse my lips, taking a sugar packet in my hands and tearing it open. "I'll have what he's having," I say pointing to Mr. Jenkins' plate. "Uh, you want steak and eggs with no salt, and a side of grits?" she says, pointing to his plate.

Yeah, that doesn't sound so appetizing. I know Mr. Jenkins is cutting back on sugars and salts because of his health, but I'm starving, and I need a good hefty meal to keep me going for the next five hours before my shift ends.

"Yeah, never mind. I'll have my usual." I say making her chuckle. She turns her head and calls out my order to the cook. "Breakfast special, extra bacon, with a full-stack, heavy on the butter Cash," she calls out making heads turn. I chuckle, nodding my head, and continue to prepare my coffee, grabbing two more sugars to pour in.

"Uh, you already added sugar, Steven. One more packet and you're going to be in a big sugar rush all day," she says making me laugh.

"And here I was thinking you didn't know I existed, and to my surprise, you even know how I take my coffee love!" I say making her roll her eyes.

"You're a mysterious man, Steven, but I do pay attention to my clients you know?" she says raising an eyebrow.

"Come on, Audrey, I'm not as bad as you think. When will you finally give me a chance to go on a date with you?" I ask, hoping to not catch her in a bad mood.

"Please... Steven, not this again," she says, tilting her head and sighing. "Why not? I'm not that bad you know?"

"Look, don't get me wrong, ok? I have nothing against men with kids, but don't anybody in this town wants to be in your baby-mama's bad side. She's scary." she says making me chuckle.

Yes, it's true, the word in this small town spreads faster than you can imagine. "Audry, nothing is going on between Roxanne and me. True, Kate is mine, but.."

"Why? Why did it take you this long to acknowledge that little girl? Are you really that heartless, Steven? How can you think I'd give you a chance when you can't even be man enough to acknowledge your own flesh and blood?" she was bombarding me with so many questions, but she had it all wrong. If I knew, I would not have waited this long. Kaitlyn would have surely not grown up without a dad all this time.

"Wow, wow, wait a minute. You gotta it all wrong, Audrey. I only found out a few days ago that she was mine, ok? And believe me, I'm trying my best to be in her life. I suspected Kate was mine for a long time, but Roxanne denied it this whole time. I'm trying my best to make things right with Kaitlyn and me. I want to be in her life, believe me. I would never have left her to grow without a dad if I had known. Sure, Roxanne is a witch, and she wants nothing to do with me, and I'm totally ok with it now. But don't judge me for what you hear from others without knowing the two sides of the story first."

I know there's a fat chance she doesn't believe me, just like I know it's a fat chance Kaitlyn will blow me off if she thinks I didn't want her. I gotta make things right, and the sooner the better.


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