Don't Push My Buttons

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"I feel so damn frustrated right now. I can't believe the audacity of this principal, to call me and tell me, my son was in trouble for standing up for himself. Who the hell does she think she is? What was she thinking? That I'd let this go, and cross my hands? Do nothing about it, but step back and allow the broken school system to proceed with their wrongful punishments to my son, while they oversee not punish the actual culprit?" I kept talking away as we made our way out of the office building. I didn't realize I was fast pacing, walking towards my son's class to pick up his backpack. A habit I have when I'm mad.

" please, slow down," Nate said as I held his hand and he struggled to keep up with my pace.

"But you bet your ass I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I'm going to find out who the hell is talking bad about me to my son...oh, and when I do, they are going to regret this, they are going to get an earful from me." I chuckled, though still infuriated.

"Babe...slow down.'re getting too upset sweetheart, you'll upset the baby." Logan said, making me stop in my tracks and turn to look at him angrily.

"And you... Don't you dare push my buttons. How dare you apologize to that lady, knowing damn well she was being unfair to our son? If you ask me, I went easy on her. It should have been you yelling at her, not me. Do you not care what happens to our son? You have to stand up for him, and for all these kids for that matter. You're a lawyer for fucks sake, you of all people should know that being an advocate for the right people is important. This is why this society is going to hell." he looks at me in shock, his mouth wide open as I raised my voice at him. I have rarely EVER talked to him this way. This is when he knew...I was beyond upset. I felt the urge to cry so bad.

I knew I was an emotional wreck right now, but for the good of my son, I needed to keep myself under control.

He glanced at Nate and softened his did I. He went to his eye level, placing his hands on Nate's waist and pulling him in for a tight hug. "Buddy, mom is upset, I know.... she's scary as hell when she's mad, isn't she?" he said to Nate. Nate had his big puppy eyes, ready to break down any minute again. His eyes were still watery, with unshed tears, and lips pouted in sadness.

Logan looks up at me, pursing his lips, and taking a deep sigh. "But mom is right. Sometimes, we grown-ups take wrong measures against a situation where we only hear one side of the story. I don't know everything this little girl told you, but I do know that I love you, and I love mom. I never stopped loving you, and if I had known you existed the minute you were inside mommy, I'd love you since that day. I loved you from the day I met you, buddy, and I am never...EVER! going anywhere. Ok? Mommy is a little upset right now, but we'll help her to calm down, together, right?" he said, making Nate sniffle. He nodded his little head, agreeing with him.

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