You Can Call Me Brother

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Logan and I had lunch, saving some of the wine for later tonight. He surprised me by stopping to get a nice piece of chocolate cake on the way to pick up Nathan from school. We made our way to the elementary and waited for school to end. Soon as the bell rang, Logan wasted no time and got out of the car to walk with me.

A few minutes pass, and we finally see my baby's teacher walking with the kids in a single file. "Ok kids, if you see your mom or dad, you have to tell me so you can go." His teacher said as he came to the front. Roxanne was already out, letting her kids go home and talking to the parents of one of her students. Amber came up, looking at her daughter who had a sad look on her face. It looked like she had fallen and scraped her knee. Roxie handed her a note, and Amber grabbed it, opening the note notifying her that her daughter had had an accident. She kneeled on her knees and consoles her daughter, embracing her in a tight hug.

"I see my mom. Hi mom...Logan!" my son's voice brings me back, smiling from ear to ear as Logan comes up and kneels to hug him. "Mr. Spencer, good to see you again. May I say, you have a bright kid. Nathan was a joy to have in class. I look forward to working with him this year." he says, shaking Logan's hand and smiling. "Thanks, my kid is pretty damn smart. He'll definitely be up for the challenge. Right, sport?" Logan looks at Nathan as he holds him in his arms.

I couldn't help but smile at how amazing Logan is with our son. It's as if we have been doing this together for the longest time. But I felt bad seeing Amber's daughter. She looked so timid, shy, and if she's like me when I was small... I bet that knee scrape was no accident. Kids can be cruel, and I hope she is not being bothered by another kid.

Amber and I may not like each other because of our long history of bickering, but it doesn't mean I wish her bad. Her daughter is such a cute little girl, and I hope she isn't being bullied.

Logan and the teacher continue to talk and somehow ends them talking about football. Teacher Omar realized that Logan was one of the best college football players he had seen in the last few years, but decided to decline the offers of going pro, his heart was set on becoming a lawyer and returning home.

"Alright, buddy I'll see you tomorrow." Mr. Omar high-fives Nathan and shakes Logan's hand again, smiling at me. "I will see you guys later, enjoy the rest of your day," he says before turning on his heel and gets stopped by another teacher.

I turned to see Amber and her daughter again, but she had already picked her up in her arms and left to strap her in her car seat. I turned, looking at Logan. He smiles as Nathan begins to tell him how his day was. He was so happy that he had fit in right away, making lots of friends, and loved his new teacher.

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