I'm Not Your Friend

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Kaitlyn has been bothering McKenzie a lot lately. I don't like it. She makes Kenzie cry all the time. She always pulls her hair and makes her fall. She is very rude to her. Mom always tells me being rude is not nice. If I'm rude to someone, it makes me look ugly.

I think mommy is right. Kaitlyn is ugly because she's very rude. Me. Omar says it's because she's a diva. I don't know what he means by this, but I guess that just means I don't like divas either.

"Who can tell me the words that are written on the board?" Mr. Omar asks the class. I wish McKenzie was in my class. I really liked her coming to my house yesterday. She is so funny. "Nathan, how about you buddy? Can you tell me what words I wrote on the board?" I looked at him, surprised. I was thinking of my sister, that I wasn't paying a lot of attention to. Everyone was looking at me. It made me get so nervous.

I put my pencil down and looked at the board. The words were so easy. I smiled and nodded yes to my teacher. "Ok, go ahead and read them for me. I'll point to them, ok?" he said smiling.

He points to the first word, "Now, Hard, Clap, Show, Door, Far, Quick." I said them, and then I covered my mouth, quickly when I was finished. I always get nervous when he calls me. "Very good job, Nathan."

Then the bell started to ring. It was time for us to go to lunch. The teacher told us to put our stuff away, and get in line. When we went to the cafeteria, I got my food and sat with my friends. Ms. Roxie was not here yet, but as soon as I saw her, I smiled and waved at McKenzie when I saw her. She smiled back, but I got worried when I saw Kaitlyn looking at her and whispering to her friends.

They went to get their lunch first and took a seat at a table near the end of the line. McKenzie got her lunch, and she was coming to sit with me. Then ky eyes went super wide when I saw Kaitlyn put her foot out. She made McKenzie fall, making her drop all of her food, and getting her uniform shirt really dirty. I can't help getting so mad at her for doing this to her.

Everybody started laughing at her. She looked like she wanted to cry. I got up to help her, but she got up and started running out. I started running after her and saw she went inside the bathroom. I waited for a little, leaning against the wall., but she was taking so long. "Kenzie, are you ok?" I asked her, knocking on the door.

"Go away, Xander, I don't want to see you right now." I sighed and puffed my cheeks. She always does that when she cries. She doesn't like anyone seeing her cry. "I saw what Kaitlyn did to you. Let me help you clean your shirt. You... You can borrow my sweater if you want?" I asked, I really want her to stop crying and come out of the bathroom. I hate when she gets so sad.

She slowly opened the door and had her head down. I smiled at her, and took off my sweater, and gave it to her. "Thank you, brother," she said with a big sad face. "Put it on, I'll wait for you out here, ok?" I told her, smiling at her and turning around. She went back inside, took off her shirt, and came outside wearing my sweater.

"It fits me perfectly. Thank you, Xander," she says, smiling. But, I could still see tears in her eyes. I took a tissue out of my pocket, and helped her clean her tears, and gave her a big hug after. I always see dad hugging mommy when she feels sad. It always makes mommy smile.

"Come on, let's go ask the cafeteria lady if you can get another plate of food." I took her hand and pulled her to the cafeteria. When we were walking, Kaitlyn got up, blocking our way. "Move Kaitlyn," I asked making my face look mad.

"No. I don't want you talking to her. She has cooties. You shouldn't be friends with her. Look at her? She's sooo ugly." she said, scrunching her face. "No, she's not," I said looking at McKenzie. "You're ugly, Kaitlyn," I told her, making her eyes big and opening her mouth so big, you can fit a thousand flies inside.

"No, I'm not. She's ugly. She doesn't even have a dad. My mommy said her daddy left because she was ugly. And her mom is ugly too. You can't be friends with her. You can be friends with me. And my friends too." she said, crossing her hands in her chest and standing as Mr.Omar says, 'a diva pose'

"I don't want to be your friend, because you and your mom are mean people. I don't like you, Kaitlyn. I am not your friend, and I'll never be your friend. And McKenzie is not my friend either, she's my sister. And even if her daddy left, it doesn't mean she's ugly. She's... She's beautiful. You are the ugly one, Kaitlyn." we started yelling. The cafeteria lady came and told us to stop.

Luckily, Kaitlyn and her friends got up and left. The cafeteria lady looked at Kenzie and nodded. Taking her hand and making her get more food. "Don't listen to her sweety. Some kids are spoiled so much and their parents are just as mean as for them. They don't realize they are doing something bad, allowing their kids to be raised that way." I and Kenzie smiled at her. "Go on and eat. It's almost time for your lunch period to end," she said, telling us to sit down.

Kenzie ate so fast, I thought she may get throw up. But, we still had a little extra time to go play. We went outside and saw the swings empty, but when we got close, Kaitlyn and her friends ran and took them, "Hey, that's not fair, we were going to use them first." I told her, making her laugh. "You're too slow, loser," she told me, making me mad.

"I'm not a loser," I yelled at her. "Yes, you are. Because I just heard Ms. Roxie tell Ms. Hannah that your mom and daddy are not married either. That means you are just as bad as McLoser. You both got left by your daddies because they didn't want you. They both didn't love your moms." I was so mad.

I know it was really bad what I did. Mom is going to be so angry. I had a juice box in my pocket, I opened it and poured it on her head. She yelled and started crying. "Nathan? Why would you do that? Son, this is not ok. I'm afraid you're going to have to go and have a good talk with the principal." Mr.Omar said, and I know he was right. It was really bad of me to do that, but she made me so angry.

I didn't know what else to do. "I'm... I'm sorry, Kaitlyn. I didn't mean to."

"Yes, you did. You got me all wet, and dirty. Just because I told you the truth. Your daddy didn't want you. That's why he and your mom never got married." she yelled, making my eyes water. I don't know why it made me so sad. Is it true? Did my mom live in California because my dad didn't want me? But then why is he so nice to me now? Does he want me now? I started crying, and Mr.Omar said some things to her, but because he was hugging me, I didn't hear what he said.

All I know is that her words made me really sad, and now... I couldn't stop crying.


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