I Hate Everyone

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I woke up a bit out of it today, and by that, I mean I was still pissed off about everything that has happened to me in the past few weeks. Everything is crumbling. I hate it. I hate everything and everyone. Why couldn't things stay as they were? Why the hell did that stupid girl had to come back?

Everything was perfect before Sophia came back. I was happy... My mom was taking care of the kid, I was making good friends, finally fitting in with the crowd, and most important... Logan was talking to me. I had a huge crush on him when I came to this town and I first saw him at that party in Steven's house...or was it Sam's? Whatever... That doesn't matter.

He looked so good with that fitted dark t-shirt and jeans. He was ripped, and his eyes...my God! He was sexy. N0 one noticed me back then. We had just moved across the street, and I could see everyone from my window. He was one of the first ones to arrive. I drooled over him as he carried stuff out of the truck, helping to set up for the party.

The whole night, I kept hoping he'd come back out so I could see him again, but I fell asleep and never saw him... Not until the next day for school that is.

I was such a loner back then. I had to wear glasses and had braces. No matter how hard I tried, my face was just breaking out all the time. And yes...if you're wondering if I was a nerd, then yes. I was a nerd, I kept to myself, and had no friends. Not until my chemistry class, where I met Selia, my best friend. We were both nerds, and invisible to everyone else. She's now the school principal.

God, I remember when I used to pass close to Logan, he was dreamy. Selia had told me how he was always picking on Sophia. How they both hated each other, so I figured maybe I could talk to him one day. Especially since she told me that he had just broken up with Amber, his long-time girlfriend. I've read so many stories of how the bully fall for the nerd girl, and to be honest, I longed for that to happen to me.

But then Sophia had to happen. She had gone off to get a makeover, getting rid of her glasses and changing her whole damn look. I was crushed when he asked her out on a date in front of the whole damn school, in the middle of a football game. They soon became the talk of the town, literally. I mean, it's one thing to become the 'IT' relationship at school, but it was as if the whole damn town was cheering for them.

I get it, it is a small town...but yet, I was still invisible to most of them. No one cared to notice me. It was as if I didn't exist.

I got ready for work, got in my car, stopped by the donut shop, and grabbed a coffee and bagel. I made my way to school and began walking to my classroom as soon as I had entered the school.

"Ms. Bennett, the principal needs to see you in her office." I glared at a student who came in using my last name. I hated being called by that last name, it was the reason I was here, the reason we had lost everything. "Ms. Roxanne. Don't call me Ms. Bennet, got it?" I sneered at him, making him jump in place.

"Y- yes, ma'am." he stuttered and took off, making me roll my eyes. I wonder what the hell she wants now?

I fixed the papers I held in my hand into a near stack and placed them back down. I walked to the office, walked past the secretary as she gave me dirty look. Like I cared. I stopped caring for people a long time ago. I opened the door and walked in, forcing a smile on my face. I was still feeling irritated, and was not in the mood, to say the least.

"Hey-hey... Wanted to see me Seli?" she was sitting at her desk, looking at her computer and moving the mouse ar0und. She glanced over, and sighed, pushing her glasses back on the curve of her nose. "Take a seat, Rox. We... We need to talk." she said, making me feel confused. Fuck- this day better not get any worse, or I swear I'm going to go off.

"What's up?" I responded, taking a seat and crossing my legs. She clears her throat and reclines on her seat. "Rox, I need you to take a few days off." yup, just like thought. Damn it...I tilted my head to the side and began getting pissed off.

"And why would do that?" I asked, a bit irritated.

"Roxie... parents are complaining about the way you are treating their kids, and honestly... I am wondering what the hell is going on with you as well. This isn't like you. You are so passionate ab0ut your work, and you are great with kids. Well... Except with Kaitlyn. But... To be honest, I know you don't like me touching the subject, but if you didn't want her, why not send her to her dad? Rox don't you think your daughter should have her dad in her life? I mean he's offered to take her, why not have him be responsible?"

"Who the hell do you think you are, judging what I do? I already said no. He will never have her. And she will never know who he is. That's what he gets for what he did to me. I hate him. I hate everyone. There is nothing wrong with me, and I am not changing. It's not my fault people are stupid, and kids are too damn sensitive."

"ROXIE- enough. I mean it. Unless you want me to fire you...then you will take a few days off. Take a break, go to the spa, read books, do something to ease your mind. I'm not asking you. It's a mandatory leave. I already arranged for you to have a substitute teacher. I will see you here in a week." my eyes went wide, all this was unbearable... I can't stand all the anger I was feeling from what Dylan did to me last night, to n0w this?

"A week?"

"Yes. A week. I'm sorry, but it must be done. Rox, I'm trying to save your ass because you're my best friend, don't push it. I already received dozens of emails from angry parents and a supervisor who is asking me what is going on with you. He was the one who told me that you have to take a break and relax." she says as she goes back to her house and begins typing on her keyboard.

This whole week has been a piece of shit. I hate this. I grunted in frustration and got up, I opened the door and slammed it behind me. Everyone is going to pay for this. I will get what I want, and I don't care who I have to push aside to get it.


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