Broken Hearts Don't Mend Easily

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It's been three weeks since Troy told me about his wedding. I check on him daily, but I just can't seem to be able to get a break. It's as if all California suddenly wants to get married. I am completely booked for the next three months, and I have no idea how I am going to do this.

Linda sent me a message stating that the house needs major repairs. The inspector will not allow anyone to move in until it gets fixed, so I had my dad volunteer to take care of things for me while I get these gigs out the way.

For now, I don't think I will book anyone else, otherwise, I will never be able to get out of here and move back home.

My phone began to ring, I glanced at it and smiled, it was a call from my girl best friend Lexie.

"Hey, hey!" I smiled and snapped another picture.

"Hi babes! Good news!"

"I'm listening," I replied, placing the phone on speaker and grabbing the camera to snap more shots.

"My boss loved your plot. He wants you to finish the book and send it in as soon as possible. He's willing to pay you double if you go exclusive with us for this book."

I sighed and took three more shots and gave thumbs up to my clients. They began moving and went about their business as I turned and grabbed the phone, taking it off the speaker.

"Lex, you already know I don't do exclusive books. Tell Mr. Choy I appreciate the offer, but my answer is no."

"Now, wait a minute. Think about it first, ok? Also, he wants you to reconsider a book signing. People have been swamping my email box, asking us to get you to do a small tour and sign books for your fans."

"No. Lexie, No. I'm not doing it. No- you can't make me. I'm sorry but my answer is no." She grunts on the line.

"You're impossible, you know that? Do you have any idea what other writers would give to be able to have this opportunity? And here you are declining it for the fourth consecutive time. Come on Sophie, it's time you let your fans know the real you." I sighed, closing my eyes.

When I started writing, I didn't want people to know it was me. I wanted to stay anonymous and just write my thoughts and stories, to put my imagination to good use. So, I went with a different pen name- Hailey Marie. In honor of my mom and my grandma.

"Look, I get it. It's an amazing opportunity, I know. But, I'm not ready just yet, ok? Please, just. . . be patient with me? Who knows, maybe moving back home will change my mind."

She squeals, hopeful that it can happen shortly. I paused our phone call while I showed my clients their options and gave them my card with the date when their photos would be available. Once they were gone, I grabbed the phone and continued our conversation.

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