I Messed Up

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I was shocked to see Sophie at the park. Talk about meant to be. I am not sure what to think right now. I mean, come on? I was trying to give her space, clear my head to think of what I wanted to say when I finally saw her, and here she was! At the park- with a son?

She has a son. And not just any son! It's the same kid I saw at the restaurant just hours ago.

A lot is going through my head. Troy said the boy looked like me. But- if he's mine, then? No, no no no, it's impossible. Sophie would have told me if she was pregnant with my baby. Right? Man! That- that would be heaven. But, there's a fifty-fifty percent chance that kid could be someone else's.

Fuck! I have to talk to her. I need to ask her what's going on. And why the hell would she call McKenzie my daughter?

I walked back to Amber to take Charlie back. This has been a long day for us. We both need to get home and think of a strategy.

"Logan, was that really Sophie in that car?" Amber has changed a lot over the years. She has matured a lot since the birth of her daughter.

When her daughter was about two years old, she came back into town. Penny-less, tired, and feeling helpless. I was here visiting mom when she came back. She didn't look good at all.

It was Mr. Patterson who opened his doors to her. A few months after she started working for him at the vineyard, her mom had a stroke, and her dad had no choice but to sell their house to make up for all the hospital expenses.

If it wasn't for Mr. Patterson who found out, about her situation, her and McKenzie would have been homeless. Her mom had closed the doors on her the minute she found out she was pregnant. So it's easy to say, she had no place to go when the came back. He sheltered them by placing her, and McKenzie in one of the cabins her own dad helped build a few years ago.

Me. Patterson helped Amber get back on track. He even went to the extent to helped her get her diploma in real estate. She's been doing well since then. But she had it very hard with her mom.

None of us knew her mom was doing bad. Stealing from her own daughter to feed her greed in gambling and alcohol.

Soon, she had lost everything, and her husband had no choice but to sell their house to pay off her debts and hospital bills after her stroke. If it would have been the same Amber from before, she'd left her parents to fend for themselves, or, at least her mom, since their relationship was bad. But it was the new Amber who took them in.

Amber was able to afford a new home by asking me to be her lender. And the only reason I agreed was that that house was to shelter her daughter, her dad, and her mom, who hasn't been the same since the stroke.

She has difficulty talking, can't move, without assistance and needs help doing most of her daily tasks, including feeding herself. I feel bad for the lady. But I guess it was a way for karma to pay her back from all the damage caused by her daughter and neglecting her own granddaughter.

"I almost didn't recognize her. She looks so pretty." Amber said, smiling awkwardly.

"Yeah, she looks beautiful alright. I gotta get going Amber, we'll talk later." I said grabbing the leash from her and taking Charlie with me.

"Bye uncle Logan."

"Bye sweety," I answered Kenzie.

"Logan wait," Amber called out to me as I began to walk away. I stopped and turned to her, squinting an eye as the sun hit my face.

" I need to tell you something really important. Do you have a minute?"

I glanced at my watch and grunted. I had to go finish a few papers for work that needed to be reviewed and signed before tomorrow.

"We'll talk some other time Amber. Gotta go." I said sprinting away. I got in my car, took Charlie's leash off, and sat him in the passenger's seat. He soon turned, looking out the window and whimpering.

"I know buddy. I know. I miss her too."



The guilt began to eat at me just days after graduation when I lied to Sophie about my pregnancy. I was so mad at myself because Michael had just left that same day to the Marines.

I hated how everything always seemed so perfect for her. She was perfect. She had the perfect family, the perfect friends who never betrayed her, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect life.

I wanted that, and if things weren't bad enough, I had just found out a few days before that I was pregnant with Michael's baby. What was I going to do?

The only thing I had going for myself was the cheerleading scholarship I had to attend Stanford. So I took off but soon failed.

I had no money, found myself with fake friends, and to top it off- I was kicked out of the team when they found out I was pregnant, making me lose my scholarship.

I dated someone out there who helped me at first. He paid for my housing, and food helped me with a few classes, but I messed up again. My greed and ego always got the best of me, making that relationship last no more than three months.

I feel awful. And worst now, knowing that because of me, Logan and Sophie broke up. I know how much Sophie means to him. I can see that even after so many years, Logan still loves her.

I wish I had that with someone.

But I'm happy with my life now. I have a nice home, a beautiful daughter, and I get to go to a job that I enjoy doing. I guess I needed to hit rock bottom to see my mistakes. It feels bad. But I feel like the lowest piece of shit knowing that she's back, and still refuses to talk to Logan. I have to make things right between them. I need to talk to Logan and explain what is happening.

And, I need to apologize to Sophie. I just hope it's not too late. By the looks of it, she has already moved on. Still, I need to do something to make things right between Logan and her.


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