I'm Never Giving Up

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I watched her leave, her car pulling out the diner with my son as I stood, feeling like an idiot. "Well, that escalated quickly. I thought you two had gotten back together since you shared hot steamy kisses in front of everyone." Steven placed his hand on my shoulder increasing my irritation. "Shut up Steven. I would of if it Roxanne hadn't shown up."

"What do you mean? I thought shit was over before it even began with you two? Didn't you say you only went out with her for like two dates?" I glanced at him irritated. This whole day has felt like shit so far and is barely one in the afternoon. "Yeah, technically, the first one didn't count because Dylan and Troy tricked me into a blind date. The second time, yeah, sure, I invited her. But, she just wasn't it for me. We're ok as friends, but not for dating. I'm not at all interested in her."

"Well, no shit. We can all tell you're still whipped on Sophie. She got pretty hot man. You better do something and get her back before someone else comes and tries to snatch her away from you." I know Steven is right. She looks absolutely beautiful. Motherhood surely played a nice role in her. "I'm getting her back, Steven. This time, I'm not giving up so easily."

"Hey, by the way. Who was that cute kid that Lexie came in with?" I looked at him and smiled. I had just found out Nathan was mine, and I already feel like a proud father. "He's mine and Sophie's. And his name is Nathan," I added leaving Steven with his mouth gawked openly.

I went to the table where the rest of our friends sat, Roxie was already sitting down, flirting with my coworker Aiden. He's already a senior partner since he's been working for the firm for over eight years. She likes older men, and frankly, that's ok with me. I could care less what she does with her free time.

I was determined to go find her and ask her to give us a chance. To make our relationship and our family work. I need to get her back, and most importantly, get to know my son.

I need to know about him, his likes, his dislikes, everything. The sooner the better. I grabbed my phone as I walked out of the diner and dialed Troy's number. He picked up immediately, I need Sophie's address, ASAP."

"Right now? I thought you were giving her space dude?" He answered calmly.

"T, now. I need to talk to her."

"Alright, alright. Calm down, what happened?" He asked making me irritated. I opened the door to my car and hopped in.

"What happened? What happened is that she came to talk to me, she kissed me, I swear I thought we were getting back together T." He laughed making me angrier. "Then you fucked it up, didn't you?" He added.

"No, T. Roxanne happened. I told you it was a bad idea. She fucking saw me arguing with Sophie over an important issue and just came up and kissed me too. Now Sophie won't talk to me, she thinks Rox and I are dating."

Still In Love With You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora