Not Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

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I have no idea how time flew by, but Logan and I spent almost three hours on the phone talking. We finally said good night and hung up after Nate complaint that he was too sleepy and wanted dad to stay by his side.

He's not used to sleeping away from us, so to be in a hotel room away from home is a bit intimidating for him.

I went down to the kitchen and finished tidying up and putting away the leftovers. Around two in the morning Troy and Lexie came home, accompanied by Johnny. Ethan had gone home with Gina. I was so happy for him, it looks like things are really getting serious for them.

Lexie threw herself at me hugging me and rocking me from side to side. I chuckled, glaring at Johnny and Troy. "Lex, you're drunk? Girl, we have work tomorrow morning, what were you thinking?" I asked, but mainly directing my questions towards the boys.

Troy raised his hands in defense, while Johnny let his body fall, crashing face down on one of the sofas. I rolled my eyes as I nod smiling. "Relax, Soph. I'll be fine." she slurred her words as she grabs my face to look at me.

"Why are there two of you? This world can't handle too much cuteness. T, baby... Why didn't you tell me our princess had a twin, huh?" she asked sarcastically, giggling away before she turned and smacked Johnny on his butt, getting him up by pulling on his arm. Johnny was just as intoxicated.

They both struggled to walk away towards their room before disappearing inside.

I turned back to Troy who was now by the TV, remote on hand and browsing through the channels. I came behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and placing my head against his back.

"I missed you, you know that?" I said as he giggled and decides on watching Z Nation on Netflix. This has to be the boy's favorite series right now. Logan has been watching it as well for the third time now.

"I missed you too hun. Hey, by the way, Soph," he says as he turns around making me undo my hold around him.

He takes my hand and walks us towards the sofa, making us both sit down.

"Lex was a bit intoxicated, as you can tell," he says, stating the obvious. "But, she said something that kept me thinking the rest of the night." I tilted my head to the side pensively, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, and what was that?"

He clears his throat, turning his body to face me, "I heard you had an unexpected someone show up at the book signing. Is it true?" he asks. I purse my lips and sigh, shrugging my shoulders and looking towards the tv to avoid seeing his face filling with disappointment.

He sighed, pinching the curve of his nose in frustration. "She just doesn't know when to quit, does she?" he says as I look at him and smile slightly.

"She's gone through a lot, T. I can understand her frustration and why she feels life owes her. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not letting her get between Logan and me, and I'm not allowing her to push me around. But..."

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