thirty nine.

331 17 5

Chapter 39: thirty ninth truth

"So we're going to stargaze, right?" Ni-ki asked.

"No, making out." Sunoo chuckled.

That made Ni-ki feel obvious that Sunoo for sure liked him back.That confidence just decreased after Sunoo said, "Sorry I was just kidding!"

"It's okay. We can do it later." Ni-ki smiled.

Ah fuck confidence went low. No no let it be bro you still have to confess. Maybe later.

"Let's go stargazing! I know the best place to it!" Sunoo guided him.

Treat you better

Sunoo and Ni-ki sat at the ground land which was a little beside the beach. They peered at the twinkling stars shining out throughout which captivated their eyes.

"Ni-ki, I have something to tell you." Sunoo again thought of confessing, but hesistation took over him so he could shift the topic.

"Is it his confession?" Ni-ki thought and smiled.

"I'll be fulfilling my eleventh wish. There is a secret of mine I will to speak to you about." Sunoo went it detail,

The younger awaited for what he was about to say. He guessed it was a confession.

"When me and Joonyoung constantly faught. I was losing feelings for him. He was not the old him anymore. He became possessive of me. Infact he did not let me talk to anybody but him, even my parents and my sister. I then spotted him cheating on me by kissing another girl. Turns out, he dated twenty girls just to get over me. I wanted to break up with him but he forced me to stay and I did because I had faith in him and I still had had some likeness for him. This was at an extent of him abusing me. I still had hope. He slapped me once but karma played a role by someone snitching on him. Later I was so sick of him I blocked him and cut off contact. He got so aggravated he entered my house, and harmed me by stabbing me on the arm. The worst thing he did was shoot my mother, father and sister. It was so horrendous.I called the police right before I was stabbed and after I did he got arrested. I was admitted to the hospital for a month which made me skip exams. After I recovered, I was at my parents funeral and I was adopted by Jungwon's parents since I am seventeen years old." Sunoo said all this before he started to break down into tears.

Ni-ki was in utter shock, and felt proud of Sunoo for going through this. He felt proud to feel trusted by his crush.

"Don't cry Sunoo. It's all over now. Joonyoung is in jail I suppose." The younger bought him towards his embrace to allow him to cry. He ruffled his hair and hugged even tighter.

"I miss them so much. They were the only ones who I could open up and share so much to them. I loved them a lot and I have no regrets of not loving them. They were the best man. Now without their presence, it's just incomplete at times." He cried louder.

Ni-ki let Sunoo go and then he consciously blinked twice before pecking him on the forehead. Sunoo's cheeks heated up extremely at a rapid rate.

"Yes! Im gaining confidence to confess so let's go!" Ni-ki jumped.

"Thanks Ni-ki. For staying with me no matter what. After funeral, I was hopeless of colours and was a dark soul of no aquitances. Jungwon and Jay were there, I know. I'm thankful for them too. I'm sorry if we broke off contact for a while. Thank you for friending me and treating me better. When you came, there was another kind of happiness lost between you and me. I will always cherish and treasure the memories we make." Sunoo told him.

"Sunoo there is no problem. I will always be with you by your side, even if not physically, my soul will always be connected to yours." Ni-ki told him which reassured the older.

Sunoo stared at Ni-ki and Ni-ki stared at Sunoo, with both pair of eyes glinted with love.

Deep dove in.


They finally kissed on the lips.

Treat you better

Sunoo and Ni-ki were still smooching each other on the lips. Even when they arrived back at home.

Nothing was awkward between them when they kissed. This proved that both of them like each other and would die to do anything.

But still no confession? Both did not know the other liked them back, except for Ni-ki's instincts. He just knew he had to tell him.

After that make out session ended, Sunoo got back on the bed, with a glass of water. "Fuck- Ni-ki's lips taste so tempting. This is the first yet the best make out session ever had in my life." He thought.

"How was it." Ni-ki came in with his pyjamas cladded and smirked at him.He flushed and asked him to shut up.

Ni-ki got on the bed who soon started to snuggle his lover. "Ddeonu is so squishy eee." He squished Sunoo, who made a settlement on his lap.

"Squishy my ass. Give me another kiss please?" He pleaded along with those puppy eyes. "Chuuu" he pecked.

"I swear this is the best day one could ever have." Sunoo smiled.

The lights were soon dimmed since they were both sleepy and both fell asleep.

Treat you better

Morning bloomed, with a Sunoo who was awoken. He woke Ni-ki up by rubbing him and sweetly telling him to wake up.

He got out his diary and edited the list once again.

Wishes to grant
1. Rooftop date with him<3
2. Coffee date with him<3
3. Making out with him <3
4.Watch movies with him<3
5. Fall asleep with him<3
6. Cuddle with him <3
7. Go to the amusement park with him <3
8. Watch concerts with him <3
9. Stargazing with him<3
10. Watch sunset in a beach with him <3
(11: tell him the secret)

"All done." He grinned. He had more wishes to do so, but he doesn't recollect them. His main wishes were all granted thanks to yesterdays incident.

He took a shower and got dressed up. Then, he created pancakes which was supposed to be breakfast for the two of them.

With a freshened up Ni-ki who just sat on the table, they both ate their breakfast.  

Ni-ki finally got up to tell Sunoo the words he finally wanted to express it out to him.

"I have feelings for you."

End of chapter 39
Triple updates yeeeeee

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