thirty six.

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Chapter thirty six: thirty sixth amusement

Amusement park was supposed to be visited by the newly-found couple. After all their studying for test papers,


Today amusement park day!!
Don't tell me u forgot

Yes I remember!

Booked the tickets?

Lotte World
Meet me at 10:30


See you soon

Treat you better

After a long await, Ni-ki arrived at Sunoo's. The doorbell was rung as soon as Sunoo plopped down a letter inside his bag.

 The doorbell was rung as soon as Sunoo plopped down a letter inside his bag

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Dear Ni-ki,
Several years passed by, I recollect an incidence of us bumping. My eyes dazzled at you, which was a sight for sore eyes. I am penning down this letter to you to express my feelings from the tugstrings of my heart.

The day I encountered you, eight months ago, blushing was something I couldn't stop. From that day onwards, I showed a certain interest over you. Although it was out of my realisation, I was so mesmerised by your charms. The way you treated me better than him.

Im sorry for creating a dispute with you six months ago. In avoidance of these feelings, my indecisive self took over the place of ending that bond we used to have. I apologise for the inconvenience I caused to the both of us. I hope to remain the closeness between the two of us for eternity.

At last, Im grateful for hanging around with a person like you. The only words I wanted to speak was I love you.I love you so much, the apple of my eye. I loved you, I love you and I will always be madly in love with you.

Wishing our relationship to be repleted with fortune, joy, success and amusement

Yours lovingly,

Sunoo made up his mind to finally confess to his admirer. It was a tough yet anxious job to do, but he gained the confidence to jot down the letter and give it to him by the end of the day.

When the doorbell rung, Sunoo opened the door. He ran towards Ni-ki and pounced on him. Turns out, Ni-ki held Sunoo in a carrying pose.

After the escalation, followed by closing of door, they both walk till Ni-ki's car. The two of them settle inside the car as Ni-ki starts driving it.

Once when they reach Lotte World, they check themselves in with the help of tickets prebooked. While entering, Sunoo points at the bumper cars. He held Ni-ki's hand and ran towards that ride, dragging him.

After a small wait, they sit on their respective cars. Chuckles were heard as cars bumped each other. Sunoo constantly kept banging onto Ni-ki's car to come to his annoyance.

Then, Ni-ki takes them to a roller coaster. While it was swirling, whirling and whooping the two, they held each other's hand tightly.

"Promise you will treasure, cherish and engrave these memories deep down your heart?" Ni-ki asked. "Of course, I will never forget such a person like you." Sunoo grinned along with his rosy cheeks.

Soon after they got out of the roller coaster, they stumbled on the teacup ride. Once they sat on the teacup together, it kept rotating. Sunoo leaned half of his body onto the taller being. "Weeeee no wonder if I will faint in a few seconds." Sunoo said dizzily.

The ride ended with a Sunoo withering and tithering. "Fuck it i am acting like that drunk you, Ni-ki." Sunoo laughed out, making fun of him. The younger blushed, recollecting with utter embarrassment.

"Child, go get some ice cream to cure your dizziness." Ni-ki recommended him. Sunoo sits on the bench to curb down his dizziness. Ni-ki gets him a chocobar to cool him down. He gobbled it all by nibbling the ice cream.

"Can I give something?" Sunoo hesitantly asked while the younger nodded.He had planned to give the letter at this point, but anxiousness took him over at a great extent. "Ah shit, don't ruin it right now, enjoy first. Just give him a hug.Do it by the end of the day." His thoughts took him over.

Sunoo went towards Ni-ki, to hug him. The other blushed hard. He leaned and depended his whole body on him which made him hug back as well. "Aww thank you!" He exclaimed. "Anytime!" His soulmate winked.

With the passing of long time, involving themselves in multiple rides, they finally decided to go to the last ride which was the Ferris wheel.

They went inside one of its cabinets and seated themselves near each other. Ni-ki laid his head onto Sunoo, who then caressed his hair. As the wheel was escalating upwards, Sunoo's mind popped up with a doubt.

"Did you ever catch feelings for anybody?" He asked. Ni-ki nodded with a suitable answer, "Yes, indeed. I fell for someone over a long period of time. He wasn't interested in me, in fact, I was unrequited. He had his interests over another man of my competence. Now that I've completely lost feelings for him,it is no more a concern for me."

"Woah he actually liked someone. But he never looked like a heart broken guy honestly. He never even dated. That's why he was a jocular guy." Sunoo thought, mentally noting this.

"What does love mean to you?" Ni-ki asked him now. "It means something that has a variety of ways to express your care, trust, loyalty and affections." Sunoo replied with a small and soft grin.

The Ferris wheel descended downwards, with an exitting couple. Time had run out. Their visit time was over.

They left the park and went back to his car. They opened the door and sat inside, belting themselves.

"Today was quiet much fun." Sunoo stared at him. "Indeed." Ni-ki replied.

"Give him the envelope for fucks sake, you've almost arrived at your house." Sunoo rolled into his thoughts. "Don't give it for the day, it will ruin a friendship. Maybe after all the wishes are granted. Right now wait. You're going too fast." He thought.

Once after they arrived at Sunoo's again, during the evening hours, they both had a small walk around their backyard with hands held.They both turned, glaring at each other.

"The moon is beautiful? Isn't it"

End of chapter 36
Hey hey sorry for no updates ^^
I'll update more!

(Ps: my legs on le cover xD.)

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