twenty one.

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Chapter 21: his twenty first remorse

Jungwon then smirked, making Ni-ki feel suspicious. He raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes in a fused feeling of confusion and weirded-out. Jungwon suddenly asked, "Who's the guy do you potentially seem to crush on?" and winked.

Ni-ki blushed and groaned. He answered,

"It's him."

And he pointed towards a guy

(Read chapter 5 for detailed information)

Yes, you're correct. He pointed towards the one and only Kim Sunoo. Ni-ki did seem to have feelings for the elder but it supposedly grew day by day. Jealousy also sparked him when he was with Ta-ki.

He was disappointed because Sunoo had a flirty personality, meaning he just flirted as a joke. He wished Sunoo to like him back too but guess what, at the moment he's unrequited.

Jungwon was pretty much surprised Ni-ki liked his best friend, but he was either supportive. Since the time he told, Jungwon has been helping him get with Sunoo.

The younger just consisted him as a small crush but then he started to be bothered about it daily. He was just curious.

Even if the younger left him, he was still curious, a part of him wanted to know what was happening in his life.

Fifteen minutes prior lunch, he skipped to Jay's class and put a note on Jay's desk. He waved to Sunghoon and Jake and then soon went back to his class.

He took out his phone from his locker as he unblocked Sunoo and gave a text message.


I'm sorry
I knew the truth
Please forgive me
I know it isn't it but please come back-
I miss you
Honestly , yeah
I haven't moved on yet
I think about the situation. 24/7
So please please please come back :(
(Sent at 1:03 pm)

Treat You Better

It was nighttime yet Sunoo hasn't returned home. The scenario bought concern to his housemate Jungwon.  He gave him countless missed calls but his phone was switched off.

When he was about to go out and search for him, he received a doorbell which made him groan in annoyance.

The person he saw at his doorstep was none other than his ex, Jay. He shook and gasped. "Jay if you're coming here for our relationship situation, sorry I have no time." He said.

"Jungwonie listen, Sunoo is missing, I just came at yours to see if Sunoo is there." Jay stated. He texted Sunoo to meet up yet his phone was off, so he decided to go at his' to check up. He read the small note Jungwon gave, so maybe it was a chance for him to get back with him.

"First off, don't call me Jungwonie. We both have broken up. Secondly, come in, if you're that concerned about my best friend, then come in, it's also cold." Jungwon replied coldly, straight up avoiding eye contact with Jay. When his eyes moved towards the elder, he blushed. He then moved away, taking steps away from Jay.

Jay went inside and sat on the couch. Jungwon stared. "So, what about finding Sunoo. His phone is off. Let's go searching-"  Jungwon initiated until he got interrupted by Jay saying, "Call Ni-ki, what if he's with Sunoo? It's very unlikely but let's try."

Jungwon nodded, he dialed Ni-ki's number. It was successfully ringing.

The call was answered with a "Jungwon!" with a hoarse voice. He knew that voice.It concerned him.It was Sunoo's voice, which bought up to his relief.

"Sunoo where the hell are you, I'm with Jay rn. We both are trying to search you." Jungwon questioned, with concern expressed in his voice.

"Well, don't worry about me, I'm at Ni-ki's. Let's just say, he's drunk for no reason. His alcohol tolerance is low and he's being giddy." Sunoo explained.

Jungwon sighed as he blinked. "Please take good care of him. You can stay there for the night." He approved.

"Ok duly noted." Sunoo said as he ended the call.

"So what's the status?" Jay asked. Jungwon sighed in relief and told, "Oh the status? Ni-ki's drunk and Sunoo is there to take care of him." He smiled.

Jay awed at his smile, found it really cute. "Wonie, can we talk. Please?" He pleaded.

"Talk about what? I'm sure you've probably accepted her confession and loved a person like her-" Jungwon said but again got distracted by  Jay who explained, "Wonie, it's you now. Mira is past. Can't you understand, Mira gave me happiness but not as much as I expected, which lead to a feeling of hurt. No Jungwon, I don't love her anymore. I've stopped having that rush of feelings near her. It's you, who gave me the strength and confidence of how to love. Thank you so much Jungwon, for giving me that affection over a period of time, I'm sorry that this messed up scenario made us exes. So im here, just to confirm. I wish we didn't break up, because it's a feeling I regret for sure."

Jungwon had tears in his eyes, he was shook what his ex said. It kept on streaming and going past his cheek.
Jay cupped his cheeks and took a tissue to wipe it out. The younger pouted at him and groaned.

"I still love you dummy."

End of chapter 21
I can't believe I'm already at chapter 21. Such a long journey to read.
Well,for me this just feels like a start. I still have a lot more planned in mind- maybe even part one and part two- of the whole journey according to the time.
I just want Sunki to sail but there's already a lot of Jaywon I mention xD.
Also, I swear a lot on text, even irl. Should I swear in this book or let it remain like how it is?

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