twenty eight.

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Chapter 28: twenty eighth ride

Sunoo had his earphones plugged into his phone, as he listened to music. He was vibing on a twice song. Riki stared at him and chuckled. He looked at him in a way no one would do. He was in awe. In admiration and someone who was in love. He flinched when Sunoo said something to him,"Why are you staring at me. Take one of my earphones and listen to this bop."

Ni-ki looked at him with his eyes widened. "What are you saying. You serious?" He asked shrugging.

Sunoo nodded as he handed one of his earplugs to Ni-ki so that he listens to the song. "Dude did you hear? The song is legit lit. Baby blue love by twice."

Ni-ki continuously nodded. He was vibing as well. "Total bop oh my god! This song is flawlessly carried off. I have no words. Let me put this song into my favourite song playlist." He exclaimed.

Sunoo smiled at him.He smiled back. "Remember when you broke down in front of me in the staircase, hugging me like it was nothing? Those memories still matter to me you know."he started a conversation.

Sunoo immediately blushed and covered his hand so that he could hide it. "Huh? You baka don't ask me about what I did before. And yes, our memories are still treasured. You know why? That's because I wasn't able to move on through a hard time and you came into my life to spread it with colours again." Sunoo put his hand on Ni-ki's shoulder while grinning brightly along with this eyes smiling. His heart was racing.Near the younger, he had the urge to do something but he was confused at what he should do. He moved towards Ni-ki, creating more tension. Both of them were madly blushing when they stared at each other. Sunoo went further closer to Ni-ki. Their lips were about to collide with each other, since they were only a few centimetres apart.
"Go further. Do the urge Kim Sunoo." He thought. He wanted to kiss him but the con is that he doesn't consider him having a liking for Ni-ki, thinking that friends can do it and he just does it for the flirt.

Ni-ki knew that Sunoo has a flirty personality around the ones he was open to. He knew that Sunoo didn't mean it. He was also aware that they weren't exactly cool with each other. In actuality, both of them need confirmation that they're back to being friends. He decided to stop him.
"Sunoo." Ni-ki muttered. "You're doing it unconsciously. I know you don't mean anything." He continued. That disappointed Sunoo but shook him to his realisation as well.

He then moved away turning opposite so that he avoids his gaze, red and embarrassed.

"I don't mean it? Huh. Has my flirting  affected me that hard? Wait. Don't tell me I was about to kiss Ni-ki and consider it as a joke or flirting skill. Also why am I just flirting with him. What is this dude." Sunoo wondered.

He then screamt on top of his lungs, apologising, "AHHH Ni-ki I am very very sorry. I was just uh. Just forget what was gonna happen. I don't have any intentions nor I mean it. I hope you don't mind me."

"It's fine bro.Ill forget it too. The fact that I don't know what is between us. I mean what do u want I just don't know that. That's the reason why we both got apart." Ni-ki replied

"Not knowing what is between them"Ni-ki meant the phrase by saying he wanted a relationship from the two of them but it needed a foundation as a friendship to have a good outcome. He still likes Sunoo while Sunoo has no idea what he is feeling. There's someone who needs to make Sunoo realise whether he likes him or he doesn't.

"Okay, anyways we cool right? I want things to go good between us and to be friends again. And anyways the past is past and we can have a fresh start. I'm sure u learnt your lesson and so did i." Sunoo grinned again with his gummy smiles. Ni-ki's heart skipped a beat as he nodded.

An hour passed and they reached the Starbucks reserve famille park. Both of them stepped foot outside the bus and entered the place. They took the lift and went to the second floor since there was a lounge there and then sat down besides each other on top of a cozy couch.

"Oh I think I just received a notification from Jay!"

End of chapter 28.
Hi guys 😭😭
Sorry again at the fact I'm not able to update fast on this story. It's just that I'm tired and I've to study hard too.

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