"You talk like you know him..." I said, edging towards my real question and crossing my arms. I was not about to let who ever this man was, ruin my Marisoo ship. Yes, I had made Marina and Young-Soo a ship name. As I should.
I didn't get to ask any further questions because then I suddenly felt a presence loom behind me.
"Marina." A honey laced voice said. Marina's head snapped backwards, and a warm smile spread over her face. "Hey Dae," she said. "You look tan, how was vacation?"
"Splendid, all beaches and sun." Dae-Hyun chirped. "Did you remember to take notes for me?"
"Mmm, I'll bring them tomorrow. You owe me though." Marina sassed. Dae-Hyun laughed richly, like hot chocolate and whiskey. "I think I always owe you."
I looked at them ping pong back and forth. Except they weren't the ones supposed to ping pong. I wasn't about to let this silky voiced seducer sneak in and steal dorky Young-Soo's spot. That was until I realized that wasn't his intent as his intense gaze shifted down to me. I gulped.

"I don't think I've seen your pretty face before." He said and smirked. My insides twisted, not sure if in a good or bad way. They just twisted, let's just keep it at that. I gulped, again, and Marina responded proudly. "That's because Y/n just moved here from the US."
Dae-Hyun aahh'd and puffed his chest. "America, the land of the free."
I grimaced as I cringed at his words. "Not really." I deadpanned and Dae-Hyun laughed and extended a hand. "I'm Dae-Hyun." I took his hand and shook it. The best smile I could muster on my face. "Min Y/n."
"Pretty name too." He said and my appreciation and touch starved ass almost blushed. His hand let go of mine and he sighed. "Well, girls. I better get going. Bell's about to ring. I suspect I'll be seeing more from you." Dae-Hyun raised his brows at me one last time before he left, and the bell actually rang.

Marina and I picked up our things to get to class and Marina leaned in close. "What was that about?!" She freaked.
"What do you mean?" I said, trying to play it off as oblivious, and pointing at her chest. "He was totally into you."
"Please." Marina said and pushed my finger away, clearly not about to let me go so fast.
We began making our way down towards our shared class. "How do you know him anyway?" I asked. Marina peeked at me from the side, keeping an eye on my every reaction. "Primary school. We've been going the same places ever since."
"Coincidentally?" I questioned.
"Yep." Marina popped the p. Just like she always did.
"Strange." I said and we entered the class.


I woke up on the first of September. My phones bright light shone in my eyes like a blinding reality check. I groaned and burrowed my face into my pillow. What had my life come to...
I pulled myself out of bed and got to school. It was a beautiful day and comfortable weather, reminiscent of when I first visited in spring. Which just wasn't helping either, because that lead to my first interaction with Jungkook, replaying over and over in my head like a song stuck in my head.
He was quite literally everywhere. At college the already large amount of Jungkook photocards in phone cases and small Cookys hanging from backpacks, had increased for his birthday. I couldn't escape.

After dragging myself through a rough day of school and foggy lessons, I gladly plummeted to the ground on the picnic blanket that Marina had spread out on the grass in a little park. I breathed the fresh air in and looked at how the sun travelled through the green leaves of the tree above me.
"Mr. Hwang is terrible at teaching." I sighed and peered up at Marina and Young-Soo.
"Agree," Young-Soo said and pulled out a deck of uno cards. "He told me that my paper needed better work on 'hOw tHe eYeS toLD thE sTOry'. My paper was on camera angles..." I snorted a laugh at what Young-Soo said and told him my own experience. "Today I had to ask him five times to explain how I could regulate my voice better for a certain role, and it just kept on circling back to eyes. I had to search it up to find answers." I said and sat up on my elbows.
"Maybe he has an eye fetish?" Marina said and her soft features instantly scrunched up in disgust when she registered what she had said. "Yeah ew no. Did not need that image in my head."
Young-Soo and I shared a look at Marina, who tried to shake the image off by shaking her shoulders, and we broke into yet another round of laughter. "Okay okay! Let's play." Young-Soo said and started dealing the cards. The pile of multicolored cards in the middle started growing as we kept on playing. This was nice, I didn't think of Jungkook, too distracted, and I had fun with friends. Best thing to happen in days.

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