"I've hated you since the moment you opened up your mouth when you sat down next to me!"

"No, you blushed and laughed! I then walked out of school with you and you were all shy and everything!"

"Wrong! I hated how you were annoying me and I wanted to be left alone! You were a distraction to my studies! That's all you were and ever will be!" Lily shouted at y/n, pressing her finger against her chest and lightly pushing her.

"That, that's not how it went at all!" Y/n said, completely confused as to why Lily was making up all this bullshit. Lily scoffed, not believing what she was hearing,

"Oh so now you're telling me that I can't remember my own life?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!"

"No, you are not going to try and manipulate me into thinking something you want me to believe!"

Y/n stood there dumbfounded at what she was hearing. Her mind was racing as she was now frantically trying to remember her first clear interaction with Lily back when they sat next to each other. Maybe Lily did say that... y/n thought before shaking her head, clearly remembering Lily laughing loudly at the joke she said the next day.

"You laughed at my joke though!"

"I scoffed! Scoffing and laughing are two different things, what's not clicking?!"

The three gods were staring at the screen, barely breathing as the world was crumbling around them. The moment was so intense and the tension between the two was at an all time high; the bad kind of tension though.

"This is horrible to watch." Cupid said with a grimace, but he kept his eyes on the screen. Destiny nodded her head,

"Oh it's terrible, but I can't help it. I like drama and I'm glad it's the entertainment I'll be going out with." Cupid rolled his eyes at Destiny as the Big Man kept quiet. He always found it funny how the two gods interacted. He's glad he made Destiny head over to the love department instead of sticking to creating fortune cookies. The two had a charismatic friendship even though they step on each other's nerves often.

Cupid then winced, his hand flying up to his forehead as a pain shot through his head. Destiny and the Big Man immediately looked over to him full of worry. The Big Man placed his hand on Cupid's shoulder,

"Are you alright?"

"Obviously not. My head is killing me right now."

"Probably because of everything that's going on." The Big Man said as Cupid just shut his eyes, the pain slowly becoming more unbearable. Destiny and the Big Man started to become more worried, not wanting their friend to be in excruciating pain before time inevitably doesn't exist.

"WE AREN'T EVEN SOULMATES!" A voice yelled loudly from the screen, making all the god's attention shift; even Cupid cracked open his eyes, wanting to know what the heck was going on.

The sight that they saw was Lily's face flushed from anger and y/n with tears pricking at her eyes ready to fall. Y/n let a tear fall as she whispered,

"You don't mean that."

"Oh, I mean it with all my heart! My whole being! I fucking hate you and you really thing someone like me would have you as a soulmate?! Come on, even fate has standards!" Lily said animatedly, flailing her arms around in pure anger and hatred. Y/n let out a broken sob, hearing the girl that she willing gave her heart to say these words to her.

Y/n's world was crumbling around her.

"But... but I love you." Y/n muttered as her voice involuntarily cracked due to her emotions. Lily laughed dryly at the confession,

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