Silent Death

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We made good time toward the orphanage. I was worried it would take a while, but we reached it before the evening.

The kids looked unsure about returning. Luckily for me, they took a liking to Cassy and they listened to her reassurances

Is that it?" I ask James as he nods

"You four stay outside," I say as the kids nod

"I can help," Cassy says as I look at her dead in the eyes.

"Your hands are still clean," I say as she looks confused

"What do you mean by that?" She asks as I ignore her and sneak toward the building.

The kids described the layout of it. The arena that they force the kids to fight in is 100m from the residence. Due to the nature of it, I'll attack the stadium first. Hopefully, capture any criminals that can give me handy information...the rest, well, I hope they had a good night yesterday because it'll be their last.

I saw a guard outside what I assumed was the arena. I was expecting a stadium-type thing, but it was more as if a theatre. I presume Kids don't need a lot of space to fight, and it's for the entertainment of sick's fitting I guess.

The guard went down easy with a Kunai to the throat. The theatre had many seats in a giant room. I saw another two guards, two shurikens claimed their lives.

There was a stage that all the chairs were directed at. I noticed a hallway that lead to offices and changing rooms, whoever runs this place will likely be in there.

I sneak down the hallway. I see some guards sleeping in makeshift bedrooms, the next time they wake up will be in hell.

I search the whole building, leaving what I presume to be the boss's office for last.

Then I kick the door off its hinges as I hear a man yell.

"Who's there!" A near-naked man demands

"Punishment," I grumble as I storm toward him

"Guards detain him!" He yells. When he doesn't get a response, the fear in his eyes starts to grow.

"Don't worry, you'll join them soon if you don't cooperate," I say a moment before I reach him. The first thing I do when I reach him, is smash his face off his desk.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask

"For money! Damn it you broke my nose!" He says.

"Do you work for someone?" I ask

"No, it's only for mm," he begins, but he can't finish as I smash his face against the desk again.

I know, it's brutal. But I have no sympathy for this guy. If I really wanted info out of him I could use one of the mind-reading techniques I picked up from a clan in the leaf village.

"Tell the truth," I mutter

"Please! Don't kill me!" He cries

"Is that what the kids asked you when you forced them to kill each other," I say as I slam his face down again.

"I get the kids by my own tactics, but I've received helped from an organization called Zexos," he spills.

"And how can I find them?" I ask

" I don't know," he says as he gets another kiss from the desk.

"They are stationed in a booming city west of here," he pleas

"Please don't kill me!" He says as I let go of him.

"Thanks for the info," I say as he looks at me wide-eyed as I'm about to leave

"Thank you for sparing my life," he says as I look at him with an icy glare.

"Scum like you don't deserve the air you breath...and it'll be the death of you," I say as I pat his arm.

Upon contact, his entire body gets set ablaze. The screams were horrifying...even for a terrible man like him.

I walk out as his screams get weaker and weaker.

I exit the theatre and head toward the orphanage.

I'm a little concerned about my lack of empathy.

I've realized something...I'm heartless.

I feel indifferent to death. I can take a life and be careless about it. I can torture someone without a second thought.

Minato wouldn't approve....neither would Kushina.

I stop in my tracks for a split second.

That's the first time I've thought of them in a long time...I miss my old friends a lot.

I continue toward Cassy.

"Are there any guards normally in the orphanage at this hour?" I ask James

"Yes, there's normally two, one watching Mother Rosie, and another watching the older kids," he describes.

"Ok...this will be tricky," I say as he funnels his brow

"You just took care of the men in the theatre right? The guys in the house should be no sweat," he tells me.

"I guess so," I mumble. I'd prefer not to murder two people in front of dozens of kids.

"I'll get you four when I'm done," I say as I sneak away again.

The house was easy to get inside quietly.

I saw a woman in her 20-30s, my heart skipped a beat...thank god! Mother Rosie wasn't the one I killed last night.

"Psst," I say trying to get her attention.

Her eyes meet mine and fear filled her emerald eyes.

"I'm not here to hurt you," I say as she nods.

"Are there guards in here?" I ask her as she shakes her head no.

"Where are they?" I ask.

"They went after some kids that escaped," she whispers as I relax.

"Your Mother Rosie right?" I ask her as she nods

"I think James, Rebecca, and Jacob will be happy to see you," I say as her eyes light up.

"They are here! No! Get them away! Oliver will kill them!" She says worriedly

"The guy in the office in the theatre?" I ask as she nods

"He won't be killing anyone any time soon," I say as she realizes

"You killed him," she mumbles as I neither confirm nor deny her claim.

"Can those kids come inside, it's getting cold out," I say as she springs into action.

She exits the house and calls for the kids.

I notice some movement in the bush but it stopped suddenly, a trained eye wouldn't miss it, but the caretaker didn't see it.

"Cassy, it's all right," I announce as all as the two younger kids come barreling out of the trees and into the arms of the blonde caretaker.

Cassy and James followed them and once Rosie was done embracing the two younger kids, she turned her sights on James.

"I am so grateful for you!" She says wrapping him in a bear hug.

"Did they do anything to Laila?" He asks her concerned.

As if on cue, a girl around his age comes sprinting out of the house. Rosie barely manages to release James from their hug before the teenage girl attacks him.

"Your back!" She says excitedly as the two share a kiss.

Cassy grows a giant smirk as Rosie turns to the other two kids.

"Ewww, Gross," Jacob says as I can't help but crack my own smile.

"You'll do it when your older too," Rosie says as he makes a disgusted face.

"Come on, in the house," Rosie says as she breaks the girl off James.

"You three have some explaining to do,"

4th Hokages Shadow ( Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now