The Day

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I knock on the door like I would on any other day.

Kushina carefully opened the door and greeted me with the largest smile I've ever seen on someone.

"I'm so excited to become a parent you know!" She says as she drags me into the house.

"God, Minato is gonna have his hands full if that kid is anything like you," I tease her as she pouts

"I'm not that bad," she says as I look at her doubtfully

"Ok, there spicy pepper," I smile as Minato walks in.

"Come on, let's start making our way to the secret location," he says as we nod.

He leaves as I help Kushina pack all the things she will need for the birth

"I hope we have everything," she says nervously

"You've checked everything 10 times, I'm sure we have everything," I tell her as she nods uncertainty.

"Ok," she mutters as she exhales.

"Let's go," she says as I nod.

I carried all the things to a location outside the village.

"Is that little Sasuke," Kushina says as we pass an Uchiha mother.

"Yes...he is cute isn't he?" She says as Kushina agrees. They converse and I try to avoid the gaze of the mother whenever she would look at me.

I knew her well, she was the wife of the Uchiha clan leader...I remember the day I was regarded as an outcast to the clan.

Flashback 1 year ago

"You must answer me," Fugaku, the Uchiha clan leader, says.

"I don't see a reason why it would affect anything?" I point out as he sighs.

"I don't like it either...but it's how it is...Who's side would you take...the Hokages, or the Uchiha," he asks me.

My heart was dead set on my choice...but I struggled to say it outloud.

"The Hokages," I finally answer as he looks a little sad

"I understand...and you must understand that there will be Consequences in the short term future. I'm assured that the new Hokage will treat us well in the future...however, other members of the Uchiha urge us to remain cautious," he says

"And it's because of this that we can't let Uchiha that are loyal to the Hokage stay in our clan...I'm sorry, but you must leave,"

Flashback end

The mother looks at me and nods with a smile.

I return a smile of my own to not seem rude...also the baby giggles at my little gesture

Kushina said her goodbyes and we continued.

Within the half hour, we reached our destination.

"I'll guess I'll see you later...your standing watch right?" Kushina asks me

"Yep. I'll make sure no one gets passed here," I assure her as she smiles

"Thank you," she says as she disappears into a building.

"Well that's that...time to get to work," I mutter as I start to focus on movement around the area.

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4th Hokages Shadow ( Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now