Catching up

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4 days.

4 days have passed and I've received little to no information from the world.

What's going on?

What happened after I blacked out?

I'm starting to question whether I'm actually in a hospital.

My mind goes to someone like Danzo. Wouldn't surprise me if he found a way to abduct me.

But that changes nothing. Kushina is dead.

I think my newfound blindness is helping me keep my mind off it.

Living in a world of darkness is different then what I'm used to.

I'm glad the staff say that I'm not allowed any visitors. I don't want to face Minato.

Weirdly, the Hokage can't even visit me...but yet again, he is probably too busy grieving.

My dear friend is surely heartbroken. I hope his son is doing well...I don't imagine becoming a jinchuriki at a young age is good for a newborn.

"(Y/N), your finally able to have visitors," a nurse says as I look in her direction.

"What changed?" I ask

"You've been deemed safe," she mutters as I frown

"Could you elaborate?" I ask confused

"I'll let Lord Fourth do the talking," she mutters as I hear light footsteps enter the room.

"(Y/N)! You're well," he says in an upbeat tone.

His presence slams me with my failures like a freight train.

"Minato...I...I'm sorry," I manage to say before he engulfs me in a hug.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," he says

"But Kushina...she's..." I begin

"She's alive and healthy!" Minato says excitedly.

My heart throbs back to life as it pounds faster and faster

"But didn't the nine tails go to Naruto!" I ask in confusion as I sense he smiles

"He did...but somehow, whatever you did...prevented Kushina from dying, and also contained the nine tails chakra," he says as I make an even more confused look

"How? I don't remember doing anything," I tell him as he nods

"So I've been told...but your eyes...they burned a bright and vibrant red. So intense I had to shut my own eyes," Minato says

"Is that why I can't see?" I ask him

"That I do not know, I've asked the Uchiha clan but they are hesitant to tell me much," he says.

"Was it my Sharingan?" I ask him as he least I think he does.

"It didn't have your normal 3 was a weird shape," he says as I remember my past.

I remember the clan leader once explained to me how the Sharingan gains power. How I've come to think of it. It tunnels powerful emotions toward greater power.

I view the reasoning behind it being, the more negatives you have, the more power you have to prevent it from happening again.

But that's me, I know Kids like Itachi who are born great.

"Maybe I'll ask the clan...if they will accept my questions," I mumble as my heart rate starts to decrease.

"So Kushina is alive?" I ask him again as he nods

"Yep, she wanted to come. But we couldn't leave Naruto all alone, and she doesn't want to leave him with anyone else but me, and well...bring him here would cause great dispute among the council," Minato tells me

"Why?" I ask him

"It's their fear of the Uchiha...whatever you did, directly affected the nine tails. With the word that Madara is alive and wants the nine tails released to wreak havoc...yeah, I hope you understand," he mutters as I nod

"I see," I respond as he smiles

"Kushina will be excited that she can see you soon," he says as I smile.

"I won't be seeing her for a while," I crack a joke as he chuckles.

"Least your humour hasn't gone blank," he says

"About Madara...what happened with Obito?" I ask him

"Yes...Obito...he wasn't lying...he will and truly was manipulated by Madara to do his dirty work," Minato says

"Sooo..." I ask

"We've confirmed everything with him...he's free to go with some watchful eyes on him," Minato explains

"That's good," I say as I look forward to catching up with my little brother whenever we see each other next.

"Both Rin, and Kakashi are excited that he is alive,"

"Kakashi...excited? I won't believe it until I see it," I tease as Minato laughs

"He doesn't show it...but I knew that Obito's death weighed heavily on him," he says as I nod

"Yeah...I sensed it too,"

"Lord fourth, you must get on with your day," someone at the door says

"Work calls," Minato says as I nod

"Don't waste your time," I say as he laughs

"Kushina hopes to come around soon...keep an eye out for her," he says with a snicker.

"I can beat your ass even when I'm blind," I say

"You'll have to catch me first," he says before disappearing through the door.


I look out the window as my chest for the first time in 4 days, feels like it isn't being pressured by all the things that have been happening.

Kushina is alive.

That's all I need to know to sleep peacefully tonight.

4th Hokages Shadow ( Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now