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"Stop it!" Rin laughs as Obito chases her around with something in his hand

"Oh come on, it's a defenceless snail," he bargains

"It's disgusting," she tells him as he chuckles.

I smile at the sight. Obito was extremely repressive at the start. He started to come out of the protective shell that had encased him after his disappearance.

"Calm down kids," I say as I snicker.

We walked for another couple of hours

"Here," Obito says in a dark voice.

I look at a faint mountain surrounded by bones of massive creatures

"Looks homey," I mutter as we continue following Obito into a cave.

After a while, we reached the end.

"You've returned...with some friends," a voice says that sends chills down my spine.

A elderly man who's barely able to stand is in front of us

" deceived me...not anymore," Obito declares as Madara sighs

"Yes, I thought this was a possibility," he says before looking at me.

"You were thrown away from the village you swore to protect...I'm sure you hate that...much like I did," he spits out

"I ain't like you," I point out as he smiles

"I think you're a lot more like me than you realize," he says as I ready a kunai.

"It appears my time here is finally done. But I assure will have interesting foes left by my wake," he says as he severs tubes connected to him, he takes a look at us and then slowly wethers to ground

"That was anti-climactic," I point out as Obito looks confused.

"Where's the demonic statue?" He asks himself looking around

"The what?" I ask

"I forgot to mention, Madara was using chakra from a statue to stay alive. The statue had the chakra of an ancient beast sealed inside," he says looking around

"Or something along those lines," he mutters.

"This thing can't be revived right?" I ask him

"It can...Madara never give me all the details...but something about trapping all the tailed beasts would revive it," he tells me

The cave was empty other than Madaras dead body.

"So where did it go?" I ask as he shrugs

"The Zetsu must have moved if somehow...I guess Madara was prepared for I expected," he tells me

"So...I'm on my own now?" I ask him as Rin nods

"Yes, our mission finishes once we reach this place...we are to return to the village after it is complete," She says

"Thought so," I mutter.

"Well. I guess I start my work as a detective for the next 10 years," I say as Obito nods

"Pleasure catching back up brother," Obito says as I nod

"Yeah, it's nice to know my little brother is still alive," I say with a smile.

"Thank you (Y/N)," Rin says bowing her head

"I've had a lot of fun on this mission," she says as I nod

"Don't stop having it," I say as I pass them to continue deeper into the cave.

There was a large opening where this statue must have been once.

I don't know a single thing about it.

Where'd it come from? What was this ancient beast? And how are the tailed beast related to it?

Up to today, the tailed beast were the ancient ones...obviously whatever this is comes before they do.

The voices of Obito and Rin disappear.

And thus my solitude begins.

I spent the next couple of days looking for a lead.

I searched the cave up and down, I didn't leave a pebble unturned. And I got nothing.

"Grr," I mutter in frustration.

I know I have ten years of this but making no progress sucks!

What is this Zetsu Obito was talking about?

Obito didn't talk about it much...I really am blind when it relates to this stuff.

I leave the cave for the first time in days, the breeze flowing through my hair feels good.

Ok, so this statue was pretty big...there must be marks somewhere that it was moved," I mutter as I look and find no such things.

After a month of searching and finding nothing.

I decided to just travel and hope I pick up clues along the way

I'm sure to meet very interesting people along the way.

4th Hokages Shadow ( Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now