Luckily Naruto had his bag and song book with him, Itachi convinced him to bring it up with them given Shisui had yet to see any of his work. The duo entered the elevator from the underground parking and destined up to the eighteenth floor. Coming off the elevator a perky woman by the name Elanor greeted them and took them back to what Naruto presumed must be Shisui's office, he was wrong.

"You made it!" Greeted the enthusiastic Uchiha from inside a room that had a control panel which Naruto could only assume was everything they used for recording and mixing. The huge panel rested against a glass wall that looked into a padded sound proof room with a smaller recording booth inside.

'Definitely not an office.' Naruto mused absentmindedly.

"Yes, I may have had to abduct him from school to do so." Itachi smirked, side eyeing the blond.

Naruto shakes his head with a snort. "I still can't believe all it took was for you to smile and bat your eyelashes at Beatrice to make her fold." Shisui's looks back and forth between the two, eager for elaboration.

Naruto took immediate notice to the excited man and took it upon himself. "Itachi shamelessly flirted with my school's secretary to get her to believe I'm shadowing him for workplace experience the rest of the week."

Shisui snorts, throwing Itachi a mischievous grin. "Still making the ladies drool, Tachi?"

"Oh you know me, the bustling ladies man." Itachi responds sarcastically earning him a guffaw from his cousin.

After a few more playful jabs at each other the trio finally got down to business. "So Naruto, you have a band?" Shisui curiously inquires as Itachi shoots him a look that says "Idiot".

"No. I don't." Naruto states phlegmatically. Not wanting to go into the whole band debacle.

"Hmm, well that may make things a bit tricky." The curly haired Uchiha taps his chin in deep thought. "We could provide you a temporary band, but that would take more time to arrange."

"I'm not sure how all this works." Naruto makes a grand gesture around the room, "but if just for recording sake, I can play all the required instruments."

"Wait, you're not just vocals and piano?" The man asks, slightly shocked. Shisui was obviously used to talented artists so the fact that the blond could play his own music wasn't what fazed him, it was that neither Itachi or Sasuke mentioned it prior.

"Nope, my vocals are what everyone seems to notice, but I play far more than just piano." Naruto sighs, wondering why Shisui even agreed to lend him his time and resources if he wasn't even informed of everything thoroughly.

Shisui shoots Itachi a look of questioning, like he was realising just now that he'd been left in the dark. "What else did you fail to mention?"

Leaning against one of the solid walls, Itachi folds his arms and shrugs. "All I'm going to say is I've successfully delivered you your wet dream. You're welcome."

Naruto choked on his own saliva, "What?!" Itachi gives him a sly grin.

"You told me he was good, but what you're promising, damn. This kid must be something." Shisui lets out a cumbersome chuckle. Being professional was something he prided himself on. He didn't like looking clueless, but he can't deny that he does like the occasional surprise. Knowing his cousins, Shisui was sure that Naruto must have something astonishing about him and that made his unpreparedness seem not so terrible.

"Hn." Itachi hum teasingly at his cousin, ignoring Narutos shifting glare.

Shisui being an Uchiha was rather immune to his glare, he may not look the part, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been among his family of legendary broodiness. Taking a seat he crosses his arms, smiling at Naruto. "Well blondie, show me what you got."

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