Start from the beginning

Slumping my shoulders, I accepted defeat. "Fine."

She grinned at her victory, climbing off my lap, much to my dismay. "Up you big baby."

Rolling my eyes playfully, I stood and wrapped my arms around her one last time, letting my head rest on her shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she whispered back before smacking my butt lightly. "Now, go. They're waiting."

Feigning sadness and showing her my pouting lips, I walked backwards slowly, earning a laugh from the beauty as she smiled widely at me. "I'll miss you."

Amayah rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "I'll miss you, too."

"Bye, bye," I waved, still taking steps backwards.

"Bye, baby."

"Love you."

"Aiden Alastair Guevarra."

I finally took off when she placed her hands on her hips, eyebrow raised at me. With a wave and a big ass grin on my lips, I ran off the house.

Just as planned, I spent my entire afternoon hanging out with my mom and dad at the mall, with mom buying me a bunch of stuff, some I probably won't be using. When it was time for their flight, I accompanied them to the airport. Thankfully, mom didn't cry this time.

"Call me as soon as you land, okay?" I reminded them.

Mom chuckled, signalling me to lean down to kiss my cheek. "Of course, sweetie."

"Love you, kid. Take care, alright?" Dad patted my back as I hugged his side.

After a few minutes–that felt like eternity–of mom reminding me time and time again of everything I should do and shouldn't do, dad pulled her away. I smiled as she struggled against his hold before she hugged me one last time. I waved as he pulled her away.

"Oh, sweets?" Mom called, turning back to look at me. I raised a brow, waiting for what she's about to say. "Next time, make sure to introduce Amayah properly to us."

Dad nodded in agreement, giving me a thumbs up. "Beautiful girlfriend. Don't let that go."

What the fuck.

————— - ————— -  —————

"We'll talk about it later," My girlfriend reassured. I told her about what my parents said before leaving and just like her reaction to Lexie finding out, she seems fine with it, again.

"Are you going home now?" My girlfriend asked over the phone when I stayed quiet.

I glanced at my friends who are pretending not to listen to a word I say. "I had to stop by at the dorm, I'll be there at 6."

"Alright, I'll be waiting. I love you."

"I love you, too," I waited until she hung up before facing my friends once again. "Was I really that obvious?"

I groaned when they all nodded, except for Julius who has known the longest. Slumping down the couch, I prepared myself to explain. Although, should I really explain myself? It's pretty simple, I fell in love, pursued the person I'm in love with, she reciprocated my feelings and now we're dating.

"I only found out during the lunch with your parents, you're a really bad liar," Vera clarified in which they all nodded, even Zoe who wasn't even with us that time. I raised a brow at the blonde, curious as to how she knew.

"She's literally the only woman in your life aside from us, when you told me you like someone, it was either Vera or her," Zoe shrugged her shoulders. "And it's obviously not Vera. No offense, babe." She turned to the red-head.

Vera chuckled lightly. "None taken."

Admitting that I was indeed stupid enough to be this obvious, I let the conversation go and went for a different topic, which mostly consist of Zoey's new girl. I can't lie though, it feels good to not hide my relationship from the important people in my life, my family. Amayah is someone I'm in love with and telling my family about her made me feel relieved and honestly, happy. Although it is understandable why we had to hide, it doesn't erase the fact that I feel bad not telling my friends and parents about Amayah.

Lexie's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "I have a question though, a few actually." She directed at me, I nudged her to go on. "What about Aaron? Does he know?"

"He doesn't, Amayah's still waiting for the right time to tell him."

She then bit her lip. "Okay, but you do know what you're getting into, right? This isn't just about you and Amayah, a kid is involved here. Being in a relationship with her means you will also be a parent to Aaron and that is a very big responsibility."

I nodded in understanding."I know. At first, I didn't really thought of anything other than the fact that I want to be with Amayah. But, it did and has been crossing my mind lately, my role in Aaron's life. For now, it will all be up to Amayah, whether she wants me to be a parent to Aaron or not. We still haven't talked about it, but I'm waiting until she's ready. And if the time comes, I'm willing to take full responsibility. Aaron's already a part of my life, I love them both."

Lexie smiled warmly, patting my shoulder. "Good. I'm happy for you."

"I'm happy, too." I couldn't help but smile, knowing that I'll be going home to the person who I'm perfectly sure is the love of my life.


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