"Um... why aren't you eating?" She ask me

"I'm not hungry, I don't normally eat breakfast" I tell her and she nods skeptically

"Just eat so we can get back in bed" I tell her and at the mention of bed she Quickly starts eating

Once she ate she was persistent that she wash her dishes and I didn't want to fight with her so I let her and we got back into my bed

I'm really glad to have a friend that doesn't mind just being lazy and staying in bed

Jade never did that, out of all the times she came to my house she only slept in my room once, other than that we slept on the couch

Now laying next to Emma I think I'm starting to get feelings for her, but, if I'm being honest I don't know,

She makes me happy and puts butterflies in my stomach, she makes me blush all the time and I have never felt like this before

But I don't know if it's because I like her, or I'm just craving the contact of what could be

I'm 16 and I have never had my first kiss, I've never even held hands with someone

As I was lost in my own thoughts I didn't even notice Emma change positions

She was now laying next to me looking up at me with hopeful eyes, I couldn't help but smile, there go the butterflies

"Can you come closer?" She ask softly and I blush but scoot over next to her and she opens her arms for me

I hesitate before moving, but give into my feelings and lay my head on her shoulder as she hugs me

"I don't want you to go home" I tell her

"I know, me either but I have to... my dad wasn't happy that I just came over here after school yesterday" she says

"I'm sorry for getting you in trouble" I say

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault, and I'm not in trouble.. he was just worried is all" she says,  defending her dad once again

"What time are you leaving?" I ask and she sighs

"I should probably head home soon" she says but none of us make an attempt to move

After we watched another episode of our show we reluctantly got up

"I live close to the station  if you just wanna walk with me" she says and I nod since I'm not supposed to be here alone

Stupid rules

Emma and I walked to the station and said our goodbyes and she kept walking home while I went inside and straight to my moms office

I had such a good morning and I was trying to not let anything ruin that but now, being here instead of in my bed at 9 am on a Sunday sucks

We probably would have still been sleeping if mama didn't wake us up

"Why the long face" mom ask and I glare at her, I'm not trying to have an attitude with her, swear, I'm just tired

"You made me come here, instead of staying at home" I say and she sighs

"Vivi, you'll be okay" she says and I scoff

"Why don't you trust me? What do you think I'm going to do? Run away?" I ask

"Look I get you're upset and don't like the new rules mama and I have given you but lose the attitude" she says and I roll my eyes and slump back in my chair

"If you're that tired you can go lay down in my bunk" she says

"I want to go home" I whine, I get it, I'm being childish, but if you had to leave your comfy room with your best friend to come sit in a cold, noisy firehouse you would too

"Mama is getting you when she gets off" mom says and I groan

"When is that?" I ask

"5" she says

"Mom! That's like a hundred hours away!" I exaggerate

"Viviana- go lay down" she says calmly and I mumble under my breath

"What was that?" She ask sternly and I don't reply but walk to her bunk and lay down and I decided to text Emma, only to see she had texted me first

Emma: I Miss you already!

Viviana: I miss you too... my moms already being mean

Viviana: maybe you can come hang out here later?

Emma: I'll try... my dad was pretty upset when I got home...

Viviana; are you okay?

Emma: I'm fine, but I think I'm going to lay down, I don't like being up early on weekends

Viviana: I'm sorry about that....

Emma: don't be, I had fun last night, I'll talk to you later hermosa

I smiled at her last text and set my phone down

She said her dad was upset, I just hope he didn't hurt her, she's to special to be hurt, and it would have been my fault for not answering my phone for days

I just hope the next couple of hours go by quickly

Till next time ❤️

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