Headcanon Time Once Again

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( I promise this is the last headcanon episode for a while)

1. Rin was Malnourished as a child which is why she's so small as an adult.

2. Kagome was the one to discover Rin was malnourished when she realized at 13 she was almost as small as she had been at 10.

3. Inukimi stalks everyone from her meido stone because it keeps her entertained.✔️

4. MirSans twins still pull at Inuyasha's ears. ✔️

5. Moroha upon seeing this, proceeds to pull her papas ears as well.

6. Mama higurashi was disappointed Moroha doesn't have dog ears like Inuyasha.

7. The SessRin twins refuse to sleep in separate rooms.

8. Setsuna is dense when it comes to love✔️

9. Jaken's not allowed to watch the twins anymore because of what happened last time. I.E: the forest got set on fire.

10. Inuyasha's not allowed to watch Moroha by himself.

11. Moroha has separation anxiety. She only leaves for slaying trips. Other than that she stays close to her parents at all times.

12. Towa is a daddy's girl

13. Setsuna is a mommy's girl ✔️

14. Inuyasha makes better money on his trips by himself than he does when Miroku goes with him. ( seeing as Miroku is a conman)

15. Kagome talks to Kikyo's spirit secretly( she's never telling Inuyasha about this)

16. The SessRin twins do not eat meat.

17. When Rin was asleep in the tree of ages, she always knew when Sesshomaru was and wasn't there.✔️

18. Moroha gets her rouge confiscated sometimes after her parents discover what she does with it.

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