Oneshot #3 Forever

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Summery: Post Inuyasha Pre Yashahime. How Inuyasha proposed to Kagome.

( I love SessRin and it's my OTP but I thought I should do some InuKag. They are another big ship of mine)

7 months. 7 months since her return and in that time he had been courting her. Now he wanted to ask her to be his wife and mate. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to do that. So he did something he will never admit.  He went to Sesshomaru for advice.

" You want this Sesshomaru to what?" Sesshomaru asked with a raised eyebrow.

" I want to ask Kagome to be my mate but how do I do that? This is why I came to you for help and you know I've never asked you for anything!" Inuyasha replied.

" This Sesshomaru cannot give you advice as I do not have a mate." Sesshomaru said. Inuyasha opened his mouth to reply but Sesshomaru continued" However, my mother may be able to help."

And that's how Inuyasha found himself at his stepmothers castle. " Inuyasha, what a pleasant surprise." InuKimi, Sesshomaru's mother said cheerfully.

" Stepmother, I assume Sesshomaru already told you?" Inuyasha asked.

" Of course he did, now come in and sit." InuKimi said while noticing Inuyasha flinched at the last word.

" Whats wrong?" She asked.

" My intended mate uses that word to shut me up...." Inuyasha said, embarrassed.

" Now then, when your father asked me to be his mate, he took me to where we first met. I would suggest you do the same." InuKimi said.

" Do you know how the old man asked my mother?" Inuyasha asked.

" He asked her to marry him but he asked me to be his mate. I agreed to the terms that your mother would be his wife but I would be his mate. I believe he asked her the same day she told him she was carrying you." InuKimi replied.
" Before you ask, no they didn't get to be married before the incident on the day of your birth." She continued.

After his meeting with his stepmother, Inuyasha went back to the village where Kagome was watching Hisui, the son of her best friend Sango. " Kagome, can we talk for a second?" Inuyasha asked his beloved. She nodded and handed Hisui to Rin.

He took her to the tree of ages, where they first met. He took her hands him his and said" Kagome, when I first met you I didn't know what to think but as time went on I got to know you and you are the most beautiful, smart, kind, passionate, selfless person I have ever known.The last three years without you, I felt like I was dead inside. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep without thinking of you. I realized I fell in love with you when you asked to stay with me forever, You saw me when others didn't just like I saw you as yourself when everyone saw you as Kikyou. The last 7 months since you came back to me have been the greatest days of my life. But it would be even better if you Higurashi Kagome, would be my wife and mate. Kagome, will you marry me?" He said.

She gasped with her hands over her mouth. Tears ran down her face as nodded frantically. " Yes, yes, a million times yes!" She exclaimed, throwing herself at him and kissing him.

And thus is the story of the Future Miko and the Hanyou.

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