Questions I have about The Twins

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( checkmarks mean my questions have been answered)

1. When and how did the dream butterfly take Setsuna's memories and dreams?✔️

2. Why do both girls look so human?

3. Was Setsuna raised by Kaede and Kohaku? ✔️

4. Who watched the twins for the first 4 years of their life? ✔️

5. Why were they near the tree of ages when they were 4? ✔️

6. Did Rin and Sesshomaru get to name them before Rin was put in the tree of ages?✔️

7. How did Rin and Sesshomaru fall in love? What led up to Sesshomaru giving up his title?

8. Towa's name means eternity and Setsuna's name means moment. Is their names a reference to their parents lives, Rin is only a moment in Sesshomaru's eternity?

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