Drabble #4: Kimono

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Summery: post yashahime. Towa and Setsuna find Rin's orange checkered kimono.

One day just a few months after the defeat of Zero, Riku and Kirinmaru; the twins Towa and Setsuna were with their fathers servant Jaken while their mother went to deliver a villagers baby. The girls convinced him to play hide and seek with them. While the girls went to go hide, they bumped into a trunk in their parents room.

" Ow!" Both girls whispered, not wanting to alert Jaken.

" What's this?" Towa asked.

Setsuna shrugged. " Let's open it and see what's inside it."
As they opened it they found their mothers kimonos.

" Look at this one! I've never seen Mama wear this.... One.... Before." Towa trailed off as she pulled out the small orange kimono.

" It looks like it's for a child, why is it with Mama's kimono's?" Setsuna asked.

" Girls! Where are you?!" Jaken Screeched from somewhere in the house.

" We question Mama later, for now we hide from Jaken." Towa nodded.

That night while Rin and Sesshomaru prepared for bed, the twins knocked on their door." Mama, can we talk to you about something?"

" Of course girls but make it fast, you two should be in bed." Rin replied, concerned about her daughters.

As the twins came into the room, Sesshomaru sniffed the air briefly,recognizing a smell he hasn't smelt in years. " What is it girls?" Rin asked, seeing the twins look at each other nervously.

" Mama, what's this kimono for?" Towa asked as she pulled out the small orange kimono. Rin gasped and Sesshomaru's eyes widened at the sight of the small kimono.

" Where did you find that?" Rin gasped.

" In your trunk of clothes." Setsuna replied.

" That is the first kimono that I ever gave your mother." Sesshomaru butted in.

" But it looks like it's for a child." Setsuna argued.

" Because it is. When I started traveling with your father, I was only 8 years old. My old kimono was dirty and bloody so he found me a new one and burned my old one." Rin explained. " Over the years he's given me many kimonos but that one I could never bare to get rid of. Because it reminds me that's when my life began again."

" Does that answer your question?" Rin asked. The twins only nodded in response.

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