Drabble#1 Promise

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Summery: Set after Setsuna gets her memories and dreams back. Towa and Setsuna go see their mother while she sleeps in the tree of ages.

Towa and Setsuna got off Kiara after returning from a slaying trip. Moroha was still on one of her bounty hunts so she hadn't gone with the twins. It had been a week now since Setsuna regained her memories from the dream butterfly and now it was time to plan on how to wake their mother.

Their mother was none other than Rin, once an orphan girl now a human queen of a yokai land. The twins walked to the tree of ages in silence. Upon arriving at the tree, they both looked up at it as it started glowing. There she was, Rin, the mother of the Hanyou princess twins. Asleep and dreaming of a happier time, when nothing else mattered to Rin than as when she ran in the flowers.

" Mama." Came the voice of the older twin, Towa.

" She looks so peaceful." Came the voice of the younger twin, Setsuna.

The twins put one hand each on the tree as they looked at their mother. " We promise we will find a way to wake you up mama and when we do , we will be a family again." Towa said.

" Which one of us is like you, mother?" Setsuna asked, knowing there would be no answer.

Later that night the twins fell asleep against the tree of ages and in their dreams they could hear a special song. All the while a small smile made its way on the face of the beautiful, young, sleeping mother.

In the mountains
In the breeze
In the forest
In my dreams

Lord Sesshomaru where are you?
Jaken is serving under you too

I'll wait for you, on my own
Please return to me
Waiting all alone

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