Drabble #2 Sisters

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Summery: Set before Setsuna gets her memories back. It's been awhile since the twins reunited and at first Setsuna was reluctant to accept Towa. This is the result of sisters being comfortable around each other again. I know Setsuna is OOC BUT I DONT CARE!!!

4 months. That's how long it had been since the twin daughters of Sesshomaru and Rin reunited. Unfortunately, Setsuna, the younger daughter, lost her memories a few years ago. This made her reluctant to believe Towa, the older daughter, is her older twin sister.

Luckily as time passed, Setsuna started trusting Towa again. Now the twins find themselves without their cousin Moroha, Daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome, for a few days. The twins were out in an empty field watching the stars at night.

" It must be lonely for Moroha, to be an only child." Towa said.

" Then I guess we're lucky." Setsuna replied.

Both girls sat up and looked at each other. " Sisters by chance, best friends by choice." Towa held up her pinky to Setsuna for a pinky promise. Setsuna intertwined her pinky with Towa's,

" I'm sorry I let go." Towa apologized.

" Let go?"

" Before I got sucked into the rainbow corridor, we were running and I let go. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to let go of you!" Towa replied.
Setsuna, much to her older twin sisters surprise, hugged Towa. They stayed there like that before Towa yawned.

" Tired?" Setsuna said in her own joking way.

" Yeah, Moroha is a handful." Towa laughed.

The twins laid down facing each other, holding each other's hand. Setsuna wasn't going to sleep because she can't. She was content to watch her older sister dream for both of them. " I love you Sets." Towa whispered tiredly.

" I love you too.......... Onee-Chan."

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