SessRin Week Day 4: Gifts

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( sorry this is late. I've been so busy with school lately)

Summery: Post Yashahime, Sesshomaru returns home with gifts for his Queen and little Princesses. Ft a flashback from Rin of sometime post Inuyasha but pre yashahime.

Everything was quiet in the household of Sesshomaru, Rin, Towa and Setsuna. The twins 15th birthday was soon and Rin was repurposing her old kimonos while Sesshomaru was out for a bit running an errand. In other words getting expensive gifts for his family. The birthday girls themselves were outside playing in their tree house( Towa had told Sesshomaru about treehouses and he ended up building one, or at least making Jaken do it). Not long before sunset, Sesshomaru returned.

" Father!" The twins cried as Sesshomaru picked them both up.

" Have you fared well pups?" He asked.

" Yes, father. Setsuna and I were on our best behavior for mother." Towa replied.

" Mother is inside." Setsuna said.

" Lord Sesshomaru, you're home." Rin smiled.

" My Irreplaceable Rin, how have you fared?" He asked his mate.

" As well as always my lord, but I have missed you." Rin pouted.

" I have a gift for you and the pups." Sesshomaru said.

As Sesshomaru handed his gifts to the twins, Rin thought back to when she was 14 and living with Kaede. Sesshomaru had brought gifts for her plenty of times.

Flashback Start:

" Rin! Sesshomaru is going to be here in a few minutes!" Kagome cried out.

" How do I look?" Rin asked her lords sister in law.

" Like a princess." Kagome replied.

" Rin, present yourself to Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken's annoying voice cried from the front door.

Rin walked outside and curtsied low to Sesshomaru. " My lord."

" Have you fared well?" He simply asked.

" Very well."

Later that night before Kagome and Inuyasha left Kaede's after having dinner there, Kagome saw Rin twirling in front of a mirror in her room with a new kimono.

" He spoils you Rinny." Kagome commented.

" I'm simply not worth it. " Rin said.

" Don't say that, you deserve everything!" Kagome scolded.

End Flashback:

" Are they to your liking?" Sesshomaru asked the twins as the twins examined their new kimonos.

" Very much Father." Setsuna replied.

" And for you my beloved Rin." He handed her a gift.
Upon opening it, she found a beautiful comb with a blue crescent on it.

" I love it Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin exclaimed.

Rin wore the comb the very next day and the twins ended up wearing their new kimonos on their birthday.

The end.

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