Chapter 37

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We arrived at bangui windmills and we directly set up the picnic blanket and the basket then started to eat peacefully. After we eat, we stayed there and enjoyed the view.

This place is really relaxing. Even though it is a little bit hot here right now, it was still really nice because of the fresh air and the beautiful view of the bay. Athena commented and kuya Sandro and I both nodded to agree with her.
That is why this is the place I go when I have problems. I said.
No wonder. Thanks for bringing me here. Athena said to us.
No worries. Kuya Sandro said.
There are a lot more beautiful places here in Ilocos that you should visit. I said to her.
I will bring you to some next time. Kuya Sandro said.
I will surely go back here and hopefully next time with my family. She said to us. Her family loves having vacations but they mostly don't go north.
I hope to meet them soon. Kuya Sandro said.
Ha? Athena confusedly asked.
Your family, I hope I could meet them soon. Kuya Sandro said.
You already met them, didn't you? I asked him. I remembered he was invited to Athena's brothers birthday.
That was a long time ago. I wanted to meet them again. He said.
I will surely introduce you to them. Athena said to him with a wide smile. I smell something in here but hindi ko na lang papansinin.
I'll look forward to that. Kuya Sandro said to her and smiled back.
Nagmumukha akong third wheel dito. I jokingly said to them and they both laugh at me.
We are not a couple. Athena said. We are not even in the dating stage. She added and kuya Sandro nodded.
But you're on the getting to know each other stage right? I sked them and that made Athena blush a little.
We are "friends". Athena stated emphasizing the word friends and kuya sandro nodded to agree with her.
Everything always starts with friendship. I said to them.
Just like you and Simon? Athena asked me. Na back to you ako don ah! Hahahaha.
Our situation is much different. I said to them.
How would you say it is different? Athena asked me.
You both started being bestfriends and eventually fell in love with each other right? Kuya Sandro asked me also.
It is different because we didn't even have a romantic relationship its just like we became bestfriends and had feelings for each other and that's all. I said to them.
It is just because you both didn't have the courage to tell each other. Kuya Sandro said. He is right about that. The feelings are obvious because of our actions but it was never been said.
I think we are just afraid to take the risk of lossing the friendship if things wont work out well for us. I said to them.
And you were both still young to really decide properly. Kuya Sandro said.
Yeah! We are capable of making decisions but we are both unsure if we would make the best decisions because we both luck experiences. I said to them.
What about now? If given a chance that simon is here, would you take a risk? Athena asked me. I was hesitant to answer her question but I have a rule to myself about this place that I would answer every questions asked to me here whether who the person asked me because this place is my safe haven and I feel comfortable whenever I am here.
To be honest? I don't know because its been 4 years since he left me and I am really not sure if what I am feeling for him is just me missing him being around me all the time or I have feelings for him already. I said to them.
We understand you. Maybe that thing would just be answered when he is already here. Kuya Sandro said.
Yeah! When that time comes, I could already differentiate the longing of companionship from love. I said to them and sighed heavy.
You're really a deep person aren't you? Kuya Sandro asked.
Raised like this kuya Sands and also influenced by your brother. I said and chuckled.
You both really influenced each other in a good way. Athena said.
That is the way people should influenced others right? I asked them.
Yes but you are both different. Your actions and words really hit differently when said to others most especially when you both share it to each other. Kuya Sandro said.
Really? I have witnessed Sunny's words of wisdom and deep talks but never had witnessed it from both of them. Athena commented.
Yes. If they both talk to each other, you will just eventually see yourself either nodding to what they are saying or you would have your jaw dropped in amusement of their conversation. Kuya Sandro said.
Your exaggerating things kuya. I said to him.
I am not. Even our parents and my tito's and tita's are sometimes amazed by them. Kuya Sandro said.
The things we both know comes from our parents also. I answered him.
But I think you both have it naturally. Even when we were still young, both of you had those things with you already just like effortlessly done and that amazed us all. Kuya Sandro said.
Not that much I guess. I said to them.
I do really admire you Sunny. You know to yourself that you are doing great things but still keeping everything lowkey and simple. Athena said to me.
You both are flattering me right now but thank you for appreciating me. I said to them.
You are a great person Sunny and we wanted you to know that. Kuya Sandro said to me.
We are lucky to know you and to be trusted by you. Athena added.
This conversation went a little too far. It started with you guys but you both cornered me there. I said then laughed. but thank you for appreciating who I am. I added and smiled at them.
Every person should be appreciated for who they are Sunny and of all the people I know, you are the most who should be appreciated for all the things you have done. Athena said to me. They are really overwhelming me with joy and thankfulness.
Athena is right. Especially on the way you also appreciate each one of us close to you. Kuya Sandro added.
You are both making me cry. Thank you for appreciating me. I said and smiled to them. A genuine happy smile.

After our conversation we just took photos together and selfies of ourselves just to capture the beautiful view and have remembrance of it. Just like what they said earlier every person must be appreciated and I am lucky the I am appreciated by the persons around me that I truly love.

Sorry for the grammarical errors ✌️
In this chapter I just wanted to share about appreciation. Everyone should and must be appreciated no matter who and what they are, regardless of your status, religion and most importantly your gender preferences. To the person reading this, always remember that " You are appreciated" 😊.

My Moon ( A Simon Marcos Fanfiction Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin